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Special "Newbie" question

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Dear all,

This is the first time, am sending a post so this is similar to a test.

I am interested in buying the lil' monsters RL-i8s.

Would it be possible to wire 1 Dual 4 ohm to a Single 4 ohm woofer? To make like a 3 ohm load or something

I know it is stupid since the specs aren't the same for the two versions but you never know.

Thanx a lot guyz.


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Besides the fact that one woofer will get more power than the other one will.

Why would you possibly want to make a 3 ohm load for anyway??

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I know that damping factor is important. Some think about it as a myth, but I do believe in it.

* Having more power going to the woofers on a 3 ohm load instead of 4 ohm load

* and not losing half the daming factor by going with the 3ohm load over the 2 ohm one

Hope it is clear, my primary language is french so... lol

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Ohh yes, sorry, I will be using a Ground Zero GZUA 1.1600 D

Class D amplifier's damping factor is not as great as AB class ones.

I am going with class D coz I have a car where it is impossible to find a HO alternator.

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I am not disagreeing with you but...

I do know that you need an amp with "ultra high" damping factor for an infinite baffle setup.

Meaning that class D designs are out of question.

I have a friend competing in IASCA shows for a year now and when discussing about damping factor with other competitors, it seems that it is useless when having a low Q design (eg. sealed) however it does make a difference in SQ when using it with ported designs and IB ones.

Even thought it is really useless, my mind will always think "hmm... sounds better now" lol

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I am not disagreeing with you but...

I do know that you need an amp with "ultra high" damping factor for an infinite baffle setup.

Meaning that class D designs are out of question.

I have a friend competing in IASCA shows for a year now and when discussing about damping factor with other competitors, it seems that it is useless when having a low Q design (eg. sealed) however it does make a difference in SQ when using it with ported designs and IB ones.

Even thought it is really useless, my mind will always think "hmm... sounds better now" lol

I have a Milbert tube amp for the front stage, and I have read the whole explanation about damping factor on their web site. That is why I said that it might be a myth: http://milbert.com/articles/DampingFactor.bdc

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I have a Class D amplifier powering my IB subwoofer as well as my midrange & midbass... the driver is the determinant in how well it can control itself...

Again, dampening is an overused, useless spec.

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Ohh ok... Sweet.

Means I can use my amp at 2 ohm load without any problem? I have 1.1 cu/ft to play with.

The amp is underated, I have seen on a forum that the Ground Zero GZUA 1.1600 D was putting out something like 750W@4ohm and 1150W@2ohm.

Would that be too much to send 575W to each RL-i8?

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