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help building crossovers

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So ive decided on my new driver set being a seas CA18RNX 7" and the H1189 tweet (27TDFC). with the advice of ///m5, im going to run the CA18 full range and just do a crossover for the H1189 until i can finish my active setup. well after looking at madisound, i came across a prefab xover for the tweet and another driver.


not wanting to spend an extra 60 bucks on xovers that i wont use very long, i decided to make my own.

so far on my list are the 4.7μF SA Range Polypropylene Capacitors, eagle 4 and 20 ohm resistors, and 0.4mH 20AWG Air Core Inductor. im pretty sure theres nothing else i need except a board. im not sure if i need a special circuit board of if i can just use 1/4" mdf?? buying the boards from madisound will eat up more of my money im trying to save by building my own.

also, it dosent say on the site what crossover points this combination will create? i was hoping to have it at about 1500hz.

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Just use a capacitor (-6dB filter) if it is just temporary... just pick a value that is safe.

1500Hz is too low IMO.

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Just use a capacitor (-6dB filter) if it is just temporary... just pick a value that is safe.

1500Hz is too low IMO.

well by temporary, i mean hopefully not more than a year until i can afford the h701. being in college, im not making too much money.

the lower frequency is the main reason i picked these. it was either these at 1500 or some peerless HDS at about 1k hz. their going into an extended cab GMC sierra.

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Exactly my original recommendation as well. Simple 1st order on the tweet and nothing else. I would target a crossover point of 3500-4k for the tweeter running in your temporary setup.

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Just use a capacitor (-6dB filter) if it is just temporary... just pick a value that is safe.

1500Hz is too low IMO.

well by temporary, i mean hopefully not more than a year until i can afford the h701. being in college, im not making too much money.

the lower frequency is the main reason i picked these. it was either these at 1500 or some peerless HDS at about 1k hz. their going into an extended cab GMC sierra.

I recommended a tweet that can extend low since you will only be using a shallow slope and sort of guesstimating impedance since you didn't have anything to measure with, not because I think you should cross it low. With the CA playing "full range" it will blend much better if your tweeter only picks up where the CA rolls off. In a door this starts just under 4k which should be your target crossover point.

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