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Woodlawn Cabinetry

Requesting Info on Behalf of a Customer.

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I am making this request on behalf of a customer.

He is presently serving in Iraq and under normal circumstances I would ask the customer to provide the measurements of the trunk.

The vehicle is a 2002 monte carlo and I am requesting/asking for is the Width, Height and Depth in order to design enclosure to what is recommended or the customers requirements.

If anyone would be kind enough to provide the info, I and the customer would greatly appreciate it.


Woodlawn Cabinetry

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If no one here has one, track down a monte carlo forum and I' sure someone would be nice enough to get the measurements for you.

Been there do that, I have the request posted on at least 5 different Monte Carlo forums since Monday, plenty of views to the post, but no replies as of this date.

I find it quite annoying and frustrating that no one on any of the those forums didn't even as so much not even make/give a reply even if they couldn't be helpful.

This whole " click attitude " about being or not being part of a group really pizzes me off. :bartmoon:

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My roomate has a 07 SS Monte, I'll try and get some measurments within the next few days if you would like. We work different hours and have different off-days, so it could be till this weekend.

Edited by chicagofan

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