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The Dalton

Subs I bought are the wrong ohms..

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I bought 2 12" SSD 2 ohm DVC subwoofers about 4 months months ago. I finally finished the fiberglass box three days ago. Anyways, I'm using the Sundown Audio Mono 1500W rms amp, and as my cousin and I were looking over it we realized that there was no possible way to get two 2 Ohm DVC subs down to one ohm with that set up. We'd have to do 2ohms which would only be giving me half the power from that amp. My question is, what can I do about it? I emailed [email protected] 2 days ago and I haven't gotten a response so I was hoping the forums would be a little faster. Is there any way that I could ship the subwoofers back to you guys and get the dual voice coils changed to 1 ohm? And if so how much would that cost and all that? Thanks for any help

-edit- Also, the subs have never been hooked up, if that means anything.

Edited by The Dalton

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If I were in your position, I'd run the amp at a half ohm and make sure you can't send too much power to the subs. Won't cost you any more :)

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If I were in your position, I'd run the amp at a half ohm and make sure you can't send too much power to the subs. Won't cost you any more :)

Wouldn't that put the amp in protect mode or just blow it up?

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The amp would be fine, they're not covered under warranty to a half ohm anymore.

So if that bothers you, don't do it, but as long as you aren't stupid with it there won't be a technical issue.

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It would definitely be nicer to have the .5 ohms, the electrical upgrades would cost around $250 at least for my car though. I might just do that, I'll have to see how much it would cost to get or even if it's possible for them to switch out the voice coils.

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What's the problem with running it at 2 ohms?

at 2ohms each sub would only get half the watts than they would at 1 ohm, Just wanted to get all of what I paid for from the amp

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I assume you have done the big three with at least 1/0 and wired the amp appropriately? If you have you shouldn't have any issues, those SD are unbelievably stable but doing idiotic things with them at under an ohm could easily create problems. Run intelligently down there will be fine!

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I agree on the big 3 & possibly a small battery in the back, if you've got that then you're fine. If you have everything stock, then spend some money & save yourself more hassle & money in the end.

good luck.

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