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db drive platinum 15 vs ssd 15

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anybody have any experience with these woofers?i seen where a guy hit a 153 with 3 db drive 15s and 2400 watt am,and i know its all about install,im really wanting to do 4 15's, and around 4,000 watts,i know the db drive will hold around 1200+ and the ssd holds about 1,000,its going in a blazer behind the rear seats, im looking for something to do a 148-150 on music and something that moves alot of air

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Not to many people on here with dbdrive subs that I know of. But there are a good number of people with experience with the Fi SSD. Why not ask in the Fi section. ;)

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I heard a dB Drive Platinum 12"...

Hated it. Really non-musical to me.

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because i've got an idea of what the fi sounds like i owned to btl 18's and talked to a few people with them,but nobody i know of has db drive im trying to get some info on them

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