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Cadence Vs. Sundown Amp

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I am stuck between the Cadence TXA 6004 and the Sundown 100.4. Both sound like great amps with great warranties. What really are the differences other then prices?

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"I hope they are better in quality than the TXA6004 i just installed in my brothers truck. Running 4ch stereo one of the chs hardly has any output to one of the subs, its also poorly sensitive requiring near max gain to get good signal from a 2.7V source. So the arc XXK4150 is going back in, which sounded cleaner and LOUDER at half the rated power, half the gain and can make rated power as low as 2v.

One figure double the the power should make a favorable improvement in output at least."


I haven't heard good stuff about the TXA Cadence amps... likely cheap for a reason.

Their older stuff and their higher end lines seem to be pretty good, though.

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The TXA amps are good for if you are on a really tight budget and want cheap power. The Sundown out classes them in every way, and I have owned a few Cadence amps.

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