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Definately looks nice man. loudest in FL? that sucks that the bass 150to 159 champion lives in tampa. his stuff is CRAZY if you ever get a chance to sit in it. but that isn't really fair 24 12's and almost 30,000 watts I think. but definately nice install man. I would like to hear it lol

Edited by vehementspl

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Thanks for the vids Jon. I need to get a nice cam and swing down and grab some good video one of these days. Hope your doing well! :)

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i didnt claim loudest in florida.. who ever took the video called it that..

the one video was taken in daytona this year.. i found it on the internet..

yeah.. it gets down. but not the loudest in florida.. some heavy hitters in florida... Ho problems, pipo, frankie....

but a funny video anyways...

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  liljohn said:
i didnt claim loudest in florida.. who ever took the video called it that..

the one video was taken in daytona this year.. i found it on the internet..

yeah.. it gets down. but not the loudest in florida.. some heavy hitters in florida... Ho problems, pipo, frankie....

but a funny video anyways...

Your van is just as hard to sit in at full tilt as the others mentioned, I am sure. :)

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No I definately know. It really sucks living in florida from that aspect cause there are a LOT of hard hitters down there. and I am sure his HURTS. but tommy's can do 160 bass race. but there again. he has an unfair advantage. not selling yours short AT ALL. Hell when i use to have my 3 15's in a daily wall in my taurus I was doing a 155 on a OLD audio control so like a 146 maybe on a lab lol. people would be like that is the loudest system in the world man damn blah lol. I was like I wish

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Always good to see an Astro vid. Maybe one day I'll be able to see it in person. and you forgot about one person when naming some heavy hitters. Step Harris of Pure Pressure Audio (in Gainesville). 24 12s on 4 SS xxx-6500 amplifiers.

But you are pretty much up there, from the looks of it, with all the heavy hitters here.

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I am really close friends with Tommy, Pipo(hell I built his truck 3 times), Frankie, Lil John, Step, ect, but tommy hasnt done a 160 yet in bassrace, no one in FL has YET, and yet being the key word, I can almost guarantee someone from FL will do it at world finals. There have been only 2 ppl in the world that have bassraced, at a show, over a 160, that is bob perillo with his ss 5+ van, and an extreme car from Finland I believe.

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ha ha i didn't mean has he. only means he can do over a 160 ::whistles lol. there are rumors he can break a 162 legal musical

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