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Did my big 3 today and wiring questions

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i finally did the big three today... and omg my voltage jumped up from 12.8 to 14.1 with the engine on.. and under load still getting 12.8 only 70 amp alternator and stock batterys and 8 gauge wiring :unsure:

the old ground cable was so ugly, it was soaked up in motor oil where the terminal bolts on to the engine mount and up at the top where the connector goes to the battery it was corroded with acid dust... (shoulda taken a pic of it before i threw it away). for the grounding from the engine to the chassis i bolted it to the long screw that screws into the alternator and then sanded off some paint and grounded it to the chassis. then for the + battery to alternator i ran the cable to the radiator and around it to connect to the + of the alternator.

i gotta say my sub pound harder now... for the first time actually doing it i'm quite happy with it.

now for second question.. today while doing the big three i noticed that my power cable that goes to my amp was only 8 gauge (it was installed by my buddy of mine) and i'm like (WT*)... well the question is will it be okay to run 8 gauge wires for 650 rms @ 2 ohms? the amp is cadence xta 1000d.

thanks for reading my blabbering and helping me out guys...

- yang

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I would say for 650w, at least 4awg.

Glad the big 3 helped, its one of the best DIY things you can do you help your voltage.

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okay thanks for the info

i guess i'll start looking for a set of 4 gauge wiring kit... you think grabing one off of ebay is a good idea?

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okay thanks for the info

i guess i'll start looking for a set of 4 gauge wiring kit... you think grabing one off of ebay is a good idea?


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the only thing bad about knukonceptz is that should atleast offer a non aluminion wire, i did my big 3 in Kolossus Kable and then i recently redid it with one with more copper and when i went to recyling center they would only let me get half price for the copper price. for an amp kit go with either kicker or knukonceptz

Edited by SouthPole1989

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the only thing bad about knukonceptz is that should atleast offer a non aluminion wire, i did my big 3 in Kolossus Kable and then i recently redid it with one with more copper and when i went to recyling center they would only let me get half price for the copper price. for an amp kit go with either kicker or knukonceptz

That's because copper costs more, and it'd cost more to buy the wire from knukonceptz if you bought copper wires. Pay more = get more back from recycling. You paid less for your wires, that's why you got less back.

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it is a mix between copper and aluminon(sp) and since the price increase in copper more aluminom(sp) has been added and less copper. yea but i bought that wire before they announced that they put more aluminom in.

Edited by SouthPole1989

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