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Big E

SSD 18 Sealed?

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Did you guys ever finish testing the SSD in sealed enclosures? What would they like best? My friend is looking at getting an SSD 18, but doesn't want to give up all of his room for the box, so sealed is really the only route here (not to mention he likes rock so sealed is better too).

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We still don't suggest sealing them...the response curve just isn't what we look for in our subs...

The 15's do ok sealed in 2 cubic feet



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We still don't suggest sealing them...the response curve just isn't what we look for in our subs...

The 15's do ok sealed in 2 cubic feet



that means it would sound as SH!T ????? :bull:

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No, it means it will sound only a little bit better than the rest, not alot better than the rest. Haha.

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