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throwing my fist show!!

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well i'm throwing my first show this month and would like some feedback from you guy's.

1-2 woofer's

3-4 woofer's

armagedan (anything goes just dont break my sensor)

first place winner's will win a 4 gauge install kit with rca's

and anybody that enter's has a chance to win a custom box,2 10" subs,6.5" comp's or a small 2 channel amp. I thought this would be a little different then seeing all the same people win all the time.tell me what you think!

oh and jacob I'm in need of a banner/sticker's for my show's or anything you might want to throw down :) thanx for the feedback peps

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So you'll have people with 10's in the same class as people with 18's?

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So you'll have people with 10's in the same class as people with 18's?

whats wrong with that? I've beat people with 18's and did it with 1 10"

anyway's I don't think that will matter because it's not about who is the loudest @ my show it's who has the right raffle ticket.i think that will bring more people back to the show's instead of seeing the same people win over and over again.

thanx jacob just thought i would take it a step farther then just the state record :) it don't sound like much but when a couple hundred people seen me beat the burb with 3 solo-X 18's and 6 kx2500's it was priceless. they swarmed my car just to see what I had in it for the win.

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Try watts classes, work well in local car shows/events. Good luck with your show

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