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Now before I get into this. I know it is install dependent. But lets say we are talking about 18's. All the 18's are in 8 cubes each. all tuned about 32hz. (or optimal tuning for the sub in question). Which sub is most likely to be the loudest stock if they all had the EXACT same wattage. I always hear about power handling etc. This is something that is important to me. The few post I have seen that somewhat asked about this kinda got redirected to how much power are you using? See BTL is the highest line and has probably the strongest magnet. But is STIFF so I think that hurts it per watt. So same power same box and opt tuning please any help would be greatly appreciated

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Might depends on what wattage you are running, 2k is too much for the SSD. 500 might not be enough for the BTL.

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definately no disrespect but I said same power through the whole post. I want to know which is loudest with same power for effciency

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What the other folks are telling you is you can't compare the efficiency of the woofers unless you give how much power you are going to give the line-up of woofers. Straight up the SSD cannot handle 2000 watts it would more than likely blow, the BTL however would probably be fine, so in that test the BTL would be the more efficient. But if you drop the power to 500 watts well then the BTL and the SSD would both work, but the SSD would be more efficient. Unless you give a power rating at which all four could then be compared, you are just comparing apples to oranges.

Edited by crazyder

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OMG... I am soooo sorry. I was being rude in theory. When I typed the original "draft" for the post I put lets say 800wattsrms to keep all fair. I am really sorry. I must have accidently deleted the line. I just read this I am like what the hell are they talking about I don't get how they keep missing that. so I scrolled up and realized I was the idiot. I apologize again

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