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Assassins/Arsenals vs DD 1500

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Im in the market for a new substage and these are my choices, either some Assassin/Arsenal 10/12s or the DD 1510s/1512s. For now I have 1600w to play with @ 1 ohm (brutus 1600) and up to 4cubes total before disp. This will be going in a single cab truck and Im looking for the loudest possible daily driver. What are ya'lls thoughts. Which would be better boom for the buck?

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If you're just making loud farting noises, I'd go with the Deeduhs.

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Just based on power handling alone, the Arsenal would be the choice from AA. I have not played with the DD's.

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I ended up going with two Assassin 12's. Anyone got some box/port suggestions. I have 4 cubes of airspace to play with in a wedge box behind a bench seat B)

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Got some info on the other post you had... but basically with 4 cuft before displacement I would look to using 2 3" aeroports side firing to the drivers side with 4"-6" of clearance to the side of the cab... tune 35 or so and youll be good for a clean deep setup. I noticed that you mentioned tuning to 45 Hz with your 8s. You can do that with these as well if you dont mind the peaky response (it will gain you in the 45-70 range over the lower tuning). You could use a pair of 4" aero ports of the same length as the 35 Hz versions too...

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