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king alpha

1 1/2" between box and wall

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We're fast approching December when I can "officially" modify my Rav4 that I share with my girlfriend. The big thing is that everything must fit in a storage well under the floor in the cargo area.

Yeah, I've shown this before:


And heres a side view of my box:


Basically the sub will fire upwards. And in order for the Mag to fit in there, there is only going to be 1 1/2" from the top of the box to the underside of the floor when I close it up. I measured from the bottom of the gasket to the top of the surround, and it's a little less then 1". I also tried measuring how far the surround shoots out when it's moving. I couldn't really get it accurate but I was thinking 1 1/2" was enough room for it to move. If it works, I'll start on the box sometime next month do a build log. If it requires more then the 1 1/2", then I'll have to go shopping for a new sub, because the bottom of the Mag's motor will hit the bottom of the box and not fit.

BTW, the Mag's in my mustang that I just got fixed. Scott over at Fi has a Brahma that he's fixing for me, and I'm planning on putting the Brahma in the Stang. That leaves the Mag for the Rav4. Brahma will not fit in the Rav4.

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Regrettably, IMO nowhere near enough room.

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For full potential, it will not work. If you only put 300 watts on it, it could work. The cone is inset from the top of the surround though, so that gives you about 1" of surround outward movement for total travel.

How much power are you going to have on it and is this enclosure sealed or ported?

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For full potential, it will not work. If you only put 300 watts on it, it could work. The cone is inset from the top of the surround though, so that gives you about 1" of surround outward movement for total travel.

How much power are you going to have on it and is this enclosure sealed or ported?

The amp I'm going to use is a Massive P1000.1, and it puts out 880W @ 1 ohm. And if I build the box correctly, it should come out to a 1.3 ft^3 sealed box.

Right now the Mag is in a 2.5 ft^3 ported box tuned to 33Hz, powered by the Massive P1000.1. I really like this set up, but I drive my Mustang maybe twice a week. I hate to admit it, but the Rav4 is a lot better comuter car then the Mustang is and it seems as though the Mag seems to be wasted in a car I hardly drive. I drive my Rav4 all the time. When I do drive the Mustang, it's only a 30 minute drive to school, twice a week. I try hard not to turn up the volume because I'm usually stuck in traffic and I don't want to irritate the other drivers, but sometimes I do and I enjoy the Mag.

If worse comes to worse, I can always keep the Mag in the Mustang. The Brahma, I can put into my dad's car (so, it's not a total waste of the sub). For the Rav4, I'll have to do a little more research on mounting depth, but I'm sure I can find a good suitable sub or two for it.

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basssic question :

does the box have to be flush with the floor ?

i suggest doing a dance floor in the wheel well and FG the rest do a trick install boxx then bondo it & paint it to match the car, then you could give the sub as much clearance as needed :domoslay:

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basssic question :

does the box have to be flush with the floor ?

i suggest doing a dance floor in the wheel well and FG the rest do a trick install boxx then bondo it & paint it to match the car, then you could give the sub as much clearance as needed :domoslay:

If I could, I would, but I'm pretty sure I can't. I just don't have the ability to do such a thing, and I won't pay for someone else to do it. Also, this box that I'm going to be building is only my second box ever, and the first one has gorilla glue all over the place. It looks like sh-t but I'm proud of it. It does what it has to.

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