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wiring question

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I see that the 1500D have 2 sets of speaker outputs. So the easiest way is to get dual 2 ohm, hook it up in parallel, then the internal are bridge for a final 1 ohm load.

What if I were to go with dual 1 ohm (1 sub) wire it in series = 2 ohm, then bridge the connection to the amp, will i get a final load of 1 ohm? I can't tell from the manual if the external outputs are bridgeable. Please confirm.


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You're misunderstanding Mono amplifiers. The two terminals are NOT bridgeable. They're essentially the same terminal, internally paralleled.

So if you want a final 1 ohm load, you need to get the Dual 2 sub. You then have two options on wiring. You can wire each voice coil to a terminal, or you can wire the VC's together in parallel and run them to one terminal.

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