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RF T1001BD not 1 ohm stable???

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I took my bmw to a local install shop here in Atlanta.... I had them make me a sealed box for my 2 15's. Solobaric l7's to be exact(dual 4 ohm)..... i dropped my car off and left....

When I returned everything was done!

EXCEPT! I have a o guage kicker wiring kit and they told me 0 guage wouldnt be necessary so i said ok we'll see what happens first... i told them i wanted to use the 300a kicker fuse though....

I returned and all my settings were turned up... the sub on the radio was at 15/15 the highest it would go..... the bass was at its highest level and the gain was more then 75% up..... they told me......" we've been playing it hard for the last hour trying to break the box in"

im thinking to myself ummm why is everything turned up....anyway i got in my car to leave and turned the sub control on my radio down from 15 to 8 and within 4 minutes my amp cuts off and i pull over and its in thermal..... so im pissed.....

i return the next day and they find out my fuse is blown off my battery and i then see he didnt install my kicker fuse block like i told him to...... anyway they change it out and the amp is getting no power.... they tell me i need to go get the amp repaired.... and the installer says .... i dont like the new RF amps they say they are 1 ohm stable but they can never actually take 1 ohm.....

i need opinions/help..... can them running a 80a fuse and turning all the gains and everything up be what happened to my amp???

and i've been reading about this amp..... no one else has problems with it running at 1 ohm!!!

o and btw i dropped it off at a car audio repair shop saturday and will prob know something tuesday or wednesday the guy said......

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Is your amp with your battery under the sub box and wood? (as you mentioned on ca.com) If so, it may not have proper ventilation and that may be why it went into thermal. Something also may have been fried when it went into thermal and you need to get it repaired.

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Is your amp with your battery under the sub box and wood? (as you mentioned on ca.com) If so, it may not have proper ventilation and that may be why it went into thermal. Something also may have been fried when it went into thermal and you need to get it repaired.

no its on my back seat

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