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Okay this is it..... Which one should I get....

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Okay so, On Saturday or Tomorrow Rather I am purchasing a Driver. Now Which One I get is up in the air. I have narrowed it down to Four different Drivers. Here they are.

Eclipse SW7200

Rockford Fosgate P312D2

Mach5 Maw-15

AA Arsenal Series 12"D4

All of these are around the some Rms output, 500. I am getting two of whatever I choose, but since I burn my money quick I am getting one now and one next week. That will also give me the time to get a Hands on look on what kind of room Im going to need. So.... It's down to those Four. The Final Four Contestants. Who Will Fall, Who Will Survive, Who.... Will..... Win........ umm sorry A little too much Movie Previews. Thanx in advance guys.

P.S. These are for Daily Listening in a 1996 Ford Taurus with a Pioneer 6900UB HU. I will get the amp after I get my subs so I can better match the amp. Anyway Thanks in advance.

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Out of those choices, it'd be between the Eclipse and the Arsenal, for me.

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The Rockford has no place on that list. :(

The Maw is unfairly placed there as well too. Hard to compete with drivers costing 3-4x as much. If you want to save money go for it.

Leaves me in the same boat; however, I'd buy the AA exclusively to avoid the Eclipse boner.

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Its tough because so many people are asking about the Arsenals. But they are spanking new to market and everyone is waiting on everyone else to buy one to get some reviews or feedback. I wish I could help, but I don't want to be biased on this topic, and of the 4, I have not heard the Arsenal yet.

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there's an eclipse boner??

It has been around for a really long time. Not that they don't make good stuff, but I think people are too quick to just buy Eclipse. Lots of other stuff is sweet too.

*yes I know I have an Eclipse headunit and amp, and also own some JL stuff but when it falls in your lap you buy it

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Its tough because so many people are asking about the Arsenals. But they are spanking new to market and everyone is waiting on everyone else to buy one to get some reviews or feedback. I wish I could help, but I don't want to be biased on this topic, and of the 4, I have not heard the Arsenal yet.

Lend me a 12" Arsenal. I'll be happy to review it, free of charge. :)

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So its down to the Eclipse and the Arsenal..... If the arsenal had some good stuff back in the day the they shouldnt have slacked off much. I have heard tons of good reviews for the eclipse. Im stuck in a crossroads. I need some more detailed insight. I wanty to make the right choice as I havent heard either one.

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the arsenal should be decent. Scott and the crew seem to know what they are doing. what's the price on the eclipse??

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How does the Maw-15 compare to the Eclipse? If they have similar output and efficiency. I have no probem saving a few bucks. I have heard nothing but good reviews from the MAW-15 or anything from Mach5 for that matter. I am looking to save money if I can. Thanks

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