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rated is 22.5w rms x 2 @ 4 ohm

cardomain says it will do 67w rms x 2 @ 4 ohm

it actually does 80w rms x 2 @ 4 ohm!!!


for all my tweeters :) ive got 2 punch150's on the way, and im ordering 4 more!

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i know i shouldnt have post this becuase ppl are going to see it and buy my amps, and theres only so many left lol

Then they will make more. This is a marketing strategy not a one time offer. Even if they are done manufacturing who cares, some other company will fill the void left when they are gone. Not like you are the first person to buy these either. They have been forum boners places for months.

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Birthsheets: A Marketer's Wet Dream.

These are just re-makes of old Rockford designs anyways, and have been a HUGE forum boner since this spring.

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I still want to grab a few due to their size and power. But I think for my needs a regular p200 might fit better.

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Birthsheets: A Marketer's Wet Dream.

These are just re-makes of old Rockford designs anyways, and have been a HUGE forum boner since this spring.

I was told that they are the same as the current Punch amps but with a different sink and names of course. I wouldn't be surprised either.

The Birthsheets on my punches are inflated as well.

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/\ was told correctly. At least from the gut shots I have seen.

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RF Punch 45:


RF Punch 325.2:


The board difference reminds me of when they were making the MB Quart amps, the RA line had red boards, and the Premium line had that cream colored board.

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RF Punch 150:


RF Punch 850.2


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Not a ton of difference, but there is no bus cable in the 25ToLife, and the caps are different, not sure about the FET's.

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so they dont actually do what the birthsheets say?

i believe the birthsheets.

i had an mbquart amp rated 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms on my boston pro60's

my rf punch 150 25 to blah blah blah is rated @ 300w @ 4 ohms

on the same pro 60's the RF amp makes the bostons louder.

IF the mb quart rating is a true wattage rating, then i believe the RF's birthsheets are acurate and honest.

edit: forgot to add. we also used a friends older orion 8002

rated @ 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms....my RF was still louder. so like i said im gonna have to say i believe these birthsheets.

Edited by George

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just hooked up one of my 45's on my 2 rear 6x9s in the MINI @ 4 ohm, and with the gains about 1/2 way up, they get loud for the little amp it is. theres no way theyre getting this loud off of the "22.5 w rms" that its "rated"

id say its deff doing at least the 80w rms x 2 @ 4 ohm that the birth sheet says.

Denim, what did u mean by "RA" line of amps ?

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RA2400 and RA4200

amp 1 does 2 x 400w @ 2 ohms

amp 2 does 4 x 200w @ 2 ohms

hence the model #'s. btw the mb amp i was talkin about was the RA2400 and it was just as loud as my buddy's older orion 8002 (before they sold out)

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well my 2 punch150's will be here either today or tomorow, i cant wait! im gonna have 6 RF tee-shirts when i have all the amps LOL

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so they dont actually do what the birthsheets say?

i believe the birthsheets.

i had an mbquart amp rated 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms on my boston pro60's

my rf punch 150 25 to blah blah blah is rated @ 300w @ 4 ohms

on the same pro 60's the RF amp makes the bostons louder.

IF the mb quart rating is a true wattage rating, then i believe the RF's birthsheets are acurate and honest.

edit: forgot to add. we also used a friends older orion 8002

rated @ 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms....my RF was still louder. so like i said im gonna have to say i believe these birthsheets.

Interesting. Perhaps a bit of a placebo affect. You do realize that over time a human is able to resolve no better than a 3dB difference in sound volume? To get that 3dB you need to have double the power. So in other words for you to actually notice a difference you would need to double your power and I guarantee that those RF amps aren't putting out 2x what the other 2 amps you compared them to are. The other option of course is there is a sonic difference between them that caused you to perceive a volume change or perhaps you didn't gain match them very fairly. Either way I am skeptical of a test of back to back amps like that.

As for the 25 to life amps, sure they may or may not reach the birthsheet but unless you are chasing 10ths on a meter they will be damn close enough.

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I'll just throw out there that you probably aren't even getting a watt of power converted into musical energy anyways... the bulk of the power you give to a speaker is turned into heat.

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so they dont actually do what the birthsheets say?

i believe the birthsheets.

i had an mbquart amp rated 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms on my boston pro60's

my rf punch 150 25 to blah blah blah is rated @ 300w @ 4 ohms

on the same pro 60's the RF amp makes the bostons louder.

IF the mb quart rating is a true wattage rating, then i believe the RF's birthsheets are acurate and honest.

edit: forgot to add. we also used a friends older orion 8002

rated @ 200w @ 4 ohms and 400w @ 2 ohms....my RF was still louder. so like i said im gonna have to say i believe these birthsheets.

Interesting. Perhaps a bit of a placebo affect. You do realize that over time a human is able to resolve no better than a 3dB difference in sound volume? To get that 3dB you need to have double the power. So in other words for you to actually notice a difference you would need to double your power and I guarantee that those RF amps aren't putting out 2x what the other 2 amps you compared them to are. The other option of course is there is a sonic difference between them that caused you to perceive a volume change or perhaps you didn't gain match them very fairly. Either way I am skeptical of a test of back to back amps like that.

As for the 25 to life amps, sure they may or may not reach the birthsheet but unless you are chasing 10ths on a meter they will be damn close enough.

gain was set using a dmm with all amps. and originally the RA2400 was set with an ocillioscope. and since the ratings were the same i basically matched the gains exactly to the same point (talking about the mb quart and orion amp)

then the mb took a chit so i got store credit and picked up the RF. it COULD be a placebo, no doubt. however its not so much thats its louder at the same level, its more so that i can turn it up more notches without getting clipping in the woofers which i couldnt do with the other amps. so since i set the gains to 300w @ 3 ohms on the RF as well ( to match the orion and the mbquart, so that i could get a comparison that was fair) i noticed i could turn it up louder.

i understand the whole needing double power to see a theoretical 3db increase (which is suppose to be on the verge of being perceivable to the human ear). but people can notice 1 notch up in volume on the cd player, which im sure isnt a doubling of power, but its still perceivable. so IMO the RF gave me more headroom, which in turn tells me the birthsheets should be accurate (or close to)

aneonrider: im gonna doubt that. im sure im getting more than a watt of energy, but of course i cant prove it. i realize a ton of power is converted to heat, but im having doubts that its going to be 1 watt my speakers are seeing. id venture to say its in the 30w range (depending on the dynamic portion of the song its playing), but of course, im no scientist in this field though so i couldn't prove or disprove you or I.

even so, im still going to believe the birthsheets. i get people always saying "birthsheets are worthless" etc etc. however, IF the birthsheets are honest and accurate i believe they an awesome item. its all going to be relative in the long run anyways. the extra 300 watts over your rated 2500 watt amplifier isnt going to make a noticible difference to the ear, however it still lets you know that if you putt one 2500w amp against that 2800w birthsheet amp, in identicle conditions its safe to assume the 2800w amp will outperform the 2500w amp by 300w. im having a very hard time trying to explain it, but hope i got my point of view on the issue across. later


Edited by George

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aneonrider: im gonna doubt that. im sure im getting more than a watt of energy, but of course i cant prove it. i realize a ton of power is converted to heat, but im having doubts that its going to be 1 watt my speakers are seeing. id venture to say its in the 30w range (depending on the dynamic portion of the song its playing), but of course, im no scientist in this field though so i couldn't prove or disprove you or I.

Here, I'll prove it for you, although, I did stretch it a bit. Playing music @ loud listening levels, most speakers are rarely outputting more than 5W of acoustical power at any given time.

100% efficiency = 112dB/1w/1m

Let's use, for example, the Fi BTL 10" D1:

The equation for acoustical efficiency is as follows:

Efficiency = 9.64 * 10^(-10) * Fs^3 * Vas / Qes

Fi lists these t/s parameters as follows:




Efficiency = (9.64 * 10^(-10) * 29^3 * 22.3/0.41)

Efficiency = 0.001278768807

Expressed in %, it would be 0.128%.

This is the efficiency of acoustical output. So, for example, 100W into the speaker will result in 0.128% of that power converted to acoustical power, or 12.8W @ 100% duty cycle @ full power. Music never does this.

We can figure out the SPL efficiency from this:

SPL = 112+10log(efficiency)

SPL = 112+10log(0.001278768807)

SPL = 83dB/1W/1M

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^^^^ learn something new everyday. cool chit there neonrider...and yet somewhat depressing. to think if there was a way to run speakers at 100% efficiency...there would be no need to run alternators bigger than stock, because you would only need 1-5w amps lol.

either way. i still stand by the birthsheets as being a fair way of comparing amps if they are honest. even if i get only 1 watt max and im comparing the RF amp to the orion and mbquart amp. if the RF amp was really putting out the 70w or whatever it says its rated at (compared to the other amps), then it would correlate to a specific value under 1w. and if the orion and mbquart amps were run, under indenticle conditions, its safe to assume they would correlate to a higher value thats still under 1w, still making them louder. does that make sense? im having a hard time trying to explain it with a post lol.

oh BTW can someone answer me this: if it takes a doubling of power to get a 3db change in output, and the human ear wont really notice too much of a change below that, how come turning up the cd player 1 notch makes a noticeable difference in output? im sure your not doubling the power and getting a 3db increase. this question is bothering me lol

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