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MTX or Kicker to power Fi Q?

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Hey all,

I'm thinking of buying a Fi Q with the cooling option, and was going to power it with a Kicker ZX1500.1 or an MTX TE1501D. Both are rated at 1500 watts, but the kicker is at 2 ohm and the MTX is at 1 ohm. Would 2ohm be better, since I heard that running the same wattage, a 2 ohm amp is going to be more stable and run cooler/more reliably than those running at 1 ohm.

First off...would the MTX be a better bet? I believe it has an adjustable subsonic filter for 20hz-50hz, where as the kicker is non adjustable at 25hz. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but I heard it was an important feature. Could anyone explain the reasoning behind this?

Secondly, any opinions, one way or the other as to which is the best amp? Which one would you run a Q on? I'm leaning toward the MTX. Though I'm not sure if the TA and TE are the same, minus the casing.

Third, is there any difference between a dual 1 or dual 2 Q? Same in terms of power handling and SQ? I'm looking for mainly a SQ setup and have the other peices, just trying to decide on the amps to run everything.

Thanks for the time!

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The ZX1000.1 does about 1200 watts...that's all you should need honestly, you'll have to be careful with the 1500...that's a stout amp if you choose it. The subsonic filter is pretty much useless unless you are throwing down in a higher tuned ported enclosure, you really don't need one for a sealed enclosure. Also there isn't much music these days that goes down "that low" to need one...

There are no differences in the dual 1 and dual 2 "SQ"

Hope that helps



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I like Nick's idea, great amp and sub match.

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Ok, well....

What would it be better for a SQ setup that plays deceintly loud? A ported box tuned low or a sealed box? I was wondering if I'd be better off sacrificing a little bit of SQ and go with a ported box in the high 20's range, or go with a sealed...and either way, is it better to be on the high end or low end of box size for SQ?

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Ok, well....

What would it be better for a SQ setup that plays deceintly loud? A ported box tuned low or a sealed box? I was wondering if I'd be better off sacrificing a little bit of SQ and go with a ported box in the high 20's range, or go with a sealed...and either way, is it better to be on the high end or low end of box size for SQ?

The Q will have great sound either way, the decision is do you want a little more output?

I prefer to start with sealed, then if it is not enough go ported.

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I prefer ported myself, but it's up to you. There would be little to worry about if you built a sealed box the first time, and if you were unhappy with trying ported later on you'd have something to fall back on.

If you are looking for a good bit of output (which you say you really just want good sq) I would just go ahead and tune in the 28-32hz range, and build your box around the middle/high side of the recommended size. You would benefit from the efficiency a larger box could offer if you go with with the zx1000, and no matter what you should be pleased with the sound of it. You could add some blocks to lower the internal size as well to experiment with what you prefer. Just a few suggestions, good luck with whatever you decide to do.

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As for the subsonic being set at 25 Hz at 12 dB/oct... I have been telling people to pick up the Harrison Labs adjustable F-mod and using it in conjunction with the factory amp filter to double up. Sort of eliptical, but better than the standard setting. Not sure what RF and Kicker were thinking without having the subsonics adjustable...

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