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the big one

A Single 12" or 15" Dual 2ohm

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In need of a Single 12" or 15" Dual 2ohm

The amp that will be used is the Rockford Fosgate T5001bd (500x1 at 1ohm) but the birthsheet says 1000+ at 1ohm.(don"t remember exact but it over 1000 watt) Going for (LSQ) not sure on price but nothing to crazy

Give some ideas please it will be a big help.


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I might have replied to this on ecoustics, but waiting to see answer to budget question.

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I might have replied to this on ecoustics, but waiting to see answer to budget question.

You did denim.

I'm trying to get a friend a good sub for around $200-$250 shipped.

It has to be a dual 2ohm so it can be wired to 1ohm.

Different forums seem to suggest different company's.

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