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Is it a good combo? FI BTL 15 with Digital Designs Z1

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Hello all.

my enclosure will be finished soon.. like i haven't a lot of space in my CLK trunk,i have made a 3.6 cu ft @ 33hz box(after port and diplacement... 55 square for the port area).

So do you think it's good for daily? (no SPL competitions)... low will be good? good SQ ? value for the subsonic?

I have ordered my amp, a "little" Digital Designs Z1 :domoslay: this beast give 4000-4500w/1ohm at 12v.. :domoslay: my new batt is a NSB90(enough for the Z1)

give me your ideas,pronostics :bump:

i'll be back with a video soooooonnnnnnnnnn...

ps:Scott,like you have told me,i have dropped my car ....2inch with the total weight :domoslay:

Edited by DamienfromFrance

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i read wrong.. thought you said you would be giving a 15" BL 4-4500 watts daily..

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Should be fine, if that amp does that kind of power i would be very cautious...we don't condone putting that much power to the subs but if you feel the need then go for it!



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