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Need help making a box.

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I need help making a box design, I own a grand am 98' 2 door. is there a free program on the net that could help me? I have a 15" Mach5

SSA item number MAW-15

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  ANeonRider said:
Ported? Sealed? Music preferences? Sound preferences? Max dimensions (W, H, L)?

I'm not to sure on max dimensions I need it to fit in my trunk of a grand am. I'm also not sure on sealed or ported, I mainly listen to rap and some rock. I'd say its a 40/60 split. And I dont understand what sound preference means.

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Are you wanting it to be loud, or are you going for the best sound quality? Basically, are you a bass-head? IMO, when you listen to mostly rap, you are looking more into how loud you can get it, and your tuning will probably be a bit higher. (if you go ported)

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  nitr0racing21 said:
  ANeonRider said:
Ported? Sealed? Music preferences? Sound preferences? Max dimensions (W, H, L)?

I'm not to sure on max dimensions I need it to fit in my trunk of a grand am. I'm also not sure on sealed or ported, I mainly listen to rap and some rock. I'd say its a 40/60 split. And I dont understand what sound preference means.

You need to grab a tape measure & measure the space you want it to fit in... I, nor anyone else, can guess here. Sound preference is based on music tastes. Sounds like you want something in the 30-35Hz tuning range.

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You may look over on www.grandamgt.com... Seems like someone had some specs on box dimensions on there. Also, is the '98 the same body as a '99? Seems like '99 was the first year on the newer body style. If it's the same, I may be able to get you some dimensions tonight. (my sis has a '99 GAGT)

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Truthfully, I do not care for WinISD in the least... and would much rather work out box dimensions & calculations by hand, or build spreadhseets to do the work for me.

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Due to many reviews and Mach5 MAW owners feedback, the MAW excels in smaller ported boxes.

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There is recommended sizes listed on the Mach5 website... www.mach5audio.com

From my experience with Mach's lineup, the recommended enclosure sizes are bang on.

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