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What happen ?

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Hey guys

So here goes

Have my two Fi Q18's off a JBL BP1200.1

When i first installed them they moved in phase perfectly it was actually awesome to watch !

Now they dont and output is down noticably, So.. ..

I pulled each speaker out of the box and checked for physical damage, none, no burnin smell AT ALL and no

loose glue that I can see, second i Tested each speaker on its own, works fine, i checked coils, fine they all show up the same. Im runnin dual 2 ohm in series parallel and am getting 2.2Ohms on the VMM for my final load , fine..

Speakers were making a funny noise sort of a raspy sound right after they stopped working in phase... Unhooked em right away , checked, hooked em back up individually , That sound is completely gone now, i was told by some pro's at the show that was probably my amp cause i was running it hard at the SPL show and probably killed it ehehe....

Either way fast forward to now, they are both hooked up, still loud louder then when they orginally sounded different, but not in phase,, (YES I HAVE CHECKED POLARITY 5 TIMES)

So basically songs (Example ,, " Bad Boy Bill - Live behind the decks - A Bit Patchy " ) That you you used to be able to see the subs move perfectly in phase dont look in phase anymore and are a lil quieter and not as clean sounding,,, i know it probably seems like i'm repeated myself in this over and over again just dont know how else to explain it...

Any ideas,, I havent been able to hook em up to a different amp yet ,,

I just tried hooking each one and the pair to 1 AA battery for just a second and both react accordingly (speaker pushes out) im getting confused now ... If my amp was on its way out could it cause this ?

Edited by NickV

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What do the coils read individually, one sub at a time? No air leaks? I can't imagine one sub breaking in quicker than the other would cause this

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What do the coils read individually, one sub at a time? No air leaks? I can't imagine one sub breaking in quicker than the other would cause this

Is it possible a Mono amp can be broken causing the subs to move slightly different even though its one channel being Driven.. i cant remember the value i was getting i think it was 2.2 or 2.3 ohms per coil and they were all the exact same,

then loaded down series coils parallel the subs 2.2ohm Was my final reading on the VMM

They are moving a lil more it looks like one is a lil more delayed then the other ( speaker wire is snug and length's are very similar, basically nothing has changed from when it wasent doing this to when it is..

You think its possible one sub is more worked in then the other, ?

The sound has changed a lil but a lil less smooth as opposed to better , , it was getting much smoother before this happened

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What happens when you parallel the speakers and touch the battery to that? Do they move the same direction?

Off the wall: Is the port on one side, and the sub closer to the port is moving more?

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What happens when you parallel the speakers and touch the battery to that? Do they move the same direction?

Off the wall: Is the port on one side, and the sub closer to the port is moving more?

Both of the subs are the same distance from the port and in parallel both move in the same direction with the battery test. Both move up positive to positive and negative to negative.

Edited by NickV

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Well i'm not sure what it was but im gonna guess it was just the subs working in at different times cause they are moving a lot more in phase now and output has increased to what it was at before .. .. .. and I changed nothing ?? ehehhee

Oh well, maybe I was just crazy, or not ?,, now if I could get my van to stop going to 15.2+ Volts :( hehehe

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No clue there man, keep an eye on them and keep us up to date.



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15.2 + volts? damn.. can u charge my car for me at the next show ?


u need a new regulator in the alternator... its a chrysler thing... does your check engine light come on because of it?

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