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box for the Mag D2

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im looking for a new sub, and just found out about stereo integrity subs. they seem great and i would probably try one out if it can be put into my subbox.

the thing is that its just 0.8 cft big. thats without a driver. would it be terrible to put that 12" sub into this box???

btw: its a sealed box, and it would be powered by a phoenix gold ZPA 0.5 (about 1000+ watts)

Edited by kickerzx

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It will work, but be FAR from ideal. I wouldn't go any less than 1 cube net for the Mag.

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hm. what do you think it would sound like if i did it?

maybe im better of with the BM woofer? how is the sq on that one compared to the mag?

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The BM won't like it either. Actually, I wouldn't seal a BM. The BMs sound great, but with 1000 watts on hand, you'll quickly fry it if not careful. You'll really want to build a different enclosure. I don't know of many drivers that will be stellar performers in less than 1 cube sealed. There are some, but yeah. . .

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X2 on the build new enclosure. < 1 cuft sealed for a 12" of just about any brand is less than ideal.

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I'll say the same, new box time.

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hm.. crap!

here is a graph i plotted in winisd. dont tell me allot though as im not very into the game of those things... i can see the obvious though..


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Oh no, Win ISD. . . .

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WinISD gives you an idea...and that's it. We have had people plot our woofers against others where the other drivers whip our drivers in the plots...but ours kick their ass in the real world. Numbers are only part of the game, even though the internet industry thinks differently now-a-days. Sad really. :(

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yeah, my use of winISD has degenerated into mainly just the port calculator. it used to be my Mecca for all things speaker.

Then I learned things.

Edited by KU40

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ok, can someone remind me of how much airspace a Mag 15D2 takes up. I think I estimated 600 in^3

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that's quite a bit. I'd just use .2 cubes.

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