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2-way active, suggestions plz

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Well I was talking to the guys in the hop and wondering what would be a wonderful 2-way active setup. If I get this 4 channel JBL GTO75.4 to go with my jbl 1100.1 that is. If you don't know, the ratings are here http://ampguts.realmofexcursion.com/JBL_GTO75.4/

Now, budget is the next question. If everything goes to plan meaning if I sell both my passive comp sets and throw in some money I'll have around 370 or 420 for new speakers. Sean brings a good point though, does this include dampening? Well, I already have a layer(and some spots 2 layers) on both outer parts of the metal. The inside only has a little bit, it could probably use more honestly. My back wall has a layer as well. So yeah I probably do need some more.

BTW the vehicle is a 2000 Chevy Silverado short wide bed. Let me know guys :woot::woot:

Oh, I'm using an 8053(for now) as my processing, cross-over power. :horse:

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edit: My current setup I'm using the I-force 6.5's atm. The mids are in the stock location but my tweeters are in the kicks off axis. As far as placement, well I'm not sure what I would like but I currently don't like my stage height at all, need to fix that for sure.

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Well personally I'd mount a large format tweeter and a mid in the door. With your budget you can afford some rather stellar stuff, but will also need to make sure that you adjust the install to insure that you get the most out of it. I am curious as to what your pleasure/displeasure with the Focals is now, it may help to recommend some drivers.

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Personally the focal 6.5's actually sound very nice to my ears(course they haven't heard stellar stuff). They are very detailed and for what dampening I do have they sound wonderful and really have some output. The tweeters are a tad harsh but with some eqing they are tolerable. I never really had a way of "properly" installing the mid-ranges. So I can't comment on that very well.

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So the metal tweet isn't your favorite part? Good.

Here are some tweeters that I like that could work great in your app:

the first three eat your budget but are yummy

Scan-Speak 7100

Seas Millenium T25CF

Morel Supreme 110

More inline with your budget:

Peerless HDS

Morel MDT30

more budget friendly

Seas H1189 (or if you decide you like the metal the H1212)

Dayton RS28A (again metal) / Usher 9950 which is damn similar

LPG 25nfa

Mids (all 7"):

Seas W18NX

Scan-Speak Revelator

Peerless Exclusive

User 8945P

budget friendlier:

Dayton RS180

Seas CA18RNX

Personally with your budget, I'd probably get the w18nx and the Peerless HDS.

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Awesome, knew I could count on you sean. Yeah those top ideas are really really $$$$$...lol. I like your overall suggestion though, those mids look like sex. I have a couple questions though. It says the tweeters are 1" which is generally the size of passive comp speakers so does that mean they are the same size just look real big or what? If I do have to hack up my door how would I go about installing them?

The other question is those mids say they are 7" so does that mean I'll have to do some mdf rings or something to make them fit?

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I'm hearing great things about the Seas neo tweet. You might want to look in that direction as well. Just a thought.

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The HDS is large format... and are just over 4" in diameter.

Yes, you will probably need to make MDF rings, which is a good idea anyways, so that you can decouple the driver from the sheetmetal.

I also agree with Sean's recommendation. I would try to test out different locations for the tweet though, try placing it in the kick on-axis.

There is also the option of going dedicated midbass paired with a wideband driver in the kick... but you need a good eq to pull it off.

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While you could put the tweeter in your kicks there is plenty of room in your doors for a 4" tweet as well.

The Seas Neo are nice for their size, but the large format tweeters smoke them for the dollar.

edit: My budget active SQ install will show you the baffle and setup required to fit a 7" in your door. Conveniently our interiors are about the same.

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yeah I tried to look at your thread but the pictures aren't coming up anymore. Maybe my internet was just sucking, I'll check them again.

Neon, thx for clearing that up and yeah I will most def play around with the tweets as far as were they sound best. You think on axis would be the best though? Will they be ok off-axis though as well if I can't mount them on?

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yeah I just took a quick look and I can't get the pictures to load properly. Ummm, hopefully they are installed on your computer or something? lol

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Can't really say what will be best. Sean would know more than I since he has that same truck.

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  ANeonRider said:
Can't really say what will be best. Sean would know more than I since he has that same truck.

cool cool. Thank anyways :woot:

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I will try to restore the pics, in the interim if you need them PM me. They are on a remote drive somewhere, but I am sure I can find them.

Since you have the kicks it is worth trying them, but with the 8053 you should be able to put them in your doors wihtout any troubles as well.

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