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Sealed Q numbers?

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Anybody have any sealed number for a Q? Preferably a 15. FI's site says that the Q is made for good SQ and output in a sealed box; but everyone I see puts it in a ported box and gives numbers that way. Even The Great 12" Challenge by on ROE only tested the Q in a ported box. I don't get it.


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I have a pair of Q15's in a sealed box in 4.4cubes running on the US Amps MD2. I had them in the trunk of my G35 Sedan and hit 147.9, 148.5, 148.9 on the AC legal, and 140, 140.8 on the TL legal. Those scores were @ 35-38hz approx... The lowend on the Q's is niiiiiice.

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Anybody have any sealed number for a Q? Preferably a 15. FI's site says that the Q is made for good SQ and output in a sealed box; but everyone I see puts it in a ported box and gives numbers that way. Even The Great 12" Challenge by on ROE only tested the Q in a ported box. I don't get it.


People chasing numbers typically don't use a sealed box.

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Anybody have any sealed number for a Q? Preferably a 15. FI's site says that the Q is made for good SQ and output in a sealed box; but everyone I see puts it in a ported box and gives numbers that way. Even The Great 12" Challenge by on ROE only tested the Q in a ported box. I don't get it.


People chasing numbers typically don't use a sealed box.

True. I used a sealed box because of the size restrictions of the G35 Sedan trunk. So I was very pleased with the scores I got. Now that I have more space, I am converting to a ported enclosure. Sealed can definitely get loud, but it all depends on what you are looking for.

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