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Question About Setting Gains?

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If the majority of your listening, is to be done by you, for enjoyment...then setting your gains by ear is going to be the most accurate method to get a good sounding stereo.

To make a point, I dare you to grab an uninformed noob off an audio site and let him set your gains by his ears in your car. See what happens. I guarantee you won't like it. Offering that as a valid solution is dangerous.

Would you let me setup your car?

I probably wouldn't like how you set up my car either. One more reason to DO IT YOURSELF, and NOT blindly trust a machine to tell you which direction to twist the knob.

Your reading comprehension isn't so good. Read the first four words, "to make a point". It wasn't a recommendation, it was only meant to make you think about your recommendation of doing it all by ear. As I said earlier, I don't disagree with the method but with the fact that you are recommending it blindly. To an average person or untrained ear it can be a really, really stupid way of setting gains.

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If you NEED an Oscope in order to set the gains on your amp...you have no business owning either.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to that tutorial.

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If you NEED an Oscope in order to set the gains on your amp...you have no business owning either.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to that tutorial.


I use O-scopes to set gains on amplifiers within radar systems... fuck. Guess I should make sure planes aren't running into each other now!

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Nah, you're supposed to set them by ear.

Go stand in front of a big ass waveguide with the amps turned on, that's all you need to do if you just want to enjoy your radar :)

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If you NEED an Oscope in order to set the gains on your amp...you have no business owning either.

But yeah, I'm looking forward to that tutorial.


I use O-scopes to set gains on amplifiers within radar systems... fudge. Guess I should make sure planes aren't running into each other now!

Do you REALLY think I was telling you to set up your FAA Radar by ear? Do you think you can convince anyone that was what I was talking about??? Pull your head out your ass, whiner.

You made an incorrect statement, I pointed it out, and you start attacking me (not defending your "indefensible" position). I'm sure youre making Aaron proud with that yellow "tech team" BS under your name while spouting off chit like what you just did.

I curiously await a "Gain-setting with Oscilloscope" tutorial.

Why don't you throw in a section about determining tuning frequency with an abacus and kazoo? That will help out the DIY'er almost as much. (I'm gonna guess it'll have a bit more "tech" though, and wouldn't be as readily usable, though you'll still get kudos, I'm sure)

now where's that little :rolleyes: smiley?

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Nah, you're supposed to set them by ear.

Go stand in front of a big ass waveguide with the amps turned on, that's all you need to do if you just want to enjoy your radar :)

I wish I had a dime for every time the neighbors called the cops cause my radar was too loud. Man, back in the day, we used to CRANK (and I mean CRANK) the radar in my room when I had friends over. My dad would come in yelling at us kids to turn that crap to a non-civi channel. We would, but then we'd turn it back...but just for a sec.

Man, those were the days.

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wow, you're not heading down a good road dopey.

I suggest you cool your jets and take a vacation from SSA for awhile.

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Speaking of Oscilloscope can someone direct me to a site where I can get a reasonable priced handheld device so I can add it to my TO BUY LIST....

thanks in advance..

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and the arguement ends now, please. get back on topic or get out of the thread.

personally, i found an older oscope, paid $20 for it, and rather enjoy setting my gains by sight. while the ear method works, as does the dmm, IMHO, it's jsut not as safe or as accurate. with the scope, you can SEE teh clipping, and to most people, seeing is believing.

like mentioned above, i've used the dmm method, set an amp with it. later with the oscope, same settings, i realized jsut how bad i was clipping the amp. turned it down to jsut clipping, and guess what? didn't lose a single tenth on the meter. and the sub no longer stinks after ten minutes of hard use. my ears never really picked up on the distortion playing music, but it sure did with tones. but then again, that's jsut personal experience. and a bit of scientific back up, as i metered the truck before and after.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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personally, i found an older oscope, paid $20 for it, and rather enjoy setting my gains by sight. while the ear method works, as does the dmm, IMHO, it's jsut not as safe or as accurate. with the scope, you can SEE teh clipping, and to most people, seeing is believing.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

exact reason why I bought an o'scope. I was willing to pay the $$ to see exactly what my amplifier is doing internally.


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