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BL components

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I'm currently looking at components to go with my 12" BL. I'm going to either go with Rainbow SLC 265s or SLC 265 Kicks. What I was wondering was with my box tuned to 32 Hz would my BL get loud enough up to 80 Hz to be able to have my high pass at 80 for the Kicks?


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I think you're looking at it the wrong way...you need to be concerned with the front stage going deep enough to allow a somewhat-smooth transition to the subs.

Either of those sets would sound great given the proper install. Which takes time to do...

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I've heard that before, and I'm really curious to know why they specify that...doesn't seem like anything would be stopping those woofers from going lower, unless they wanted to save themselves from a lot of warranty repairs from people getting stupid and trying to play 40Hz material through them with absolutely nothing done to the doors...

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