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power or box

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I installed my d2 and it sounds great it just doesn't get as loud as I though that it would (stroker 12 I heard) I have it in a 2.35 ft^3 tuned to about 33hz and a diamond 600.1 (600 @ 4 ohms) in the trunk of an accord should I have tuned the box higher or get more power? right now it is as loud as two type R 12s I had in a sealed box but not as loud as the stroker (sealed) that I heard last night. what can I do

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give it the 900w rms and it will get a bit louder.

assuming that doubling the power will gain 3db, you should gain a little bit.. i forget how many dB sounds like double the output.. it might be 3, but then again it is more than likely a lot higher than that.

A bigger box tuned higher will help it peak better..

but, you are trying to catch 2 12" woofers, and a stroker.. that's a bit of competition even if the stroker is sealed and the type-R's were getting decent power for them.

I'm going to be giving a magnum 6-700 watts @ 4 ohms too, but i will be stepping up to a Hifonics 1000d not long after i get the mag all warmed up for some more power, might do a 1500d, but i don't want to void the warantee.

Oh, and for the warantee, is it rated watts rms, or is it actual watts rms? because i was thinking about getting a ppi amp, or another higher quality amp that is rated at 12.2 volts instead of 14.4 v, would the fact that the PPI is more than likely putting out more than reccomended RMS going to affect the warantee?

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the magnum was better sounding than the stroker I just figured that it would be as loud also I do plan on getting vr1000 or the d5 1200.1 money is now an issue

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Wattage-wise, we don't cover blown/burnt coils at all. Our warranty is a 1 (one) year warranty against manufacturer defects. The speakers will handle 900'ish (in upwards to 1500 even) watts from a car amplifier without a problem. Just do a search on this, and other forums, and you'll find that the whole power issue has been talked about a lot.

And blkjck, is there any way to tune your enclosure lower? Tuning a box that size to 28 Hz or so really makes a big difference.

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Wattage-wise, we don't cover blown/burnt coils at all. Our warranty is a 1 (one) year warranty against manufacturer defects. The speakers will handle 900'ish (in upwards to 1500 even) watts from a car amplifier without a problem. Just do a search on this, and other forums, and you'll find that the whole power issue has been talked about a lot.

And blkjck, is there any way to tune your enclosure lower? Tuning a box that size to 28 Hz or so really makes a big difference.

well, now that i know that.. i think i'll get the 1500w brutus, haha :slayer:

was wondering what the warrantee was, i should have searched.. but whoops i just started typing and got carried away. haha.

thanks for the info. :)

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If you get the 1500, I wouldn't run it wide-open too much on a single ported 12. 1000-1200 is what we feel comfortable with. But yeah, it should be a lot louder with that amp. :D

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I'm going to be careful with the gains and my settings, i wouldn't want to blow it up, or make it sound like crap.

But, i would like to make some nice excursion porn for those who would want to see it :lol: . And having extra power is always nice for when you want to shut up the ghetto blaster kids who never turn their system down.

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And having extra power is always nice for when you want to shut up the ghetto blaster kids who never turn their system down.

Try shutting them up when you have a single 12 and everyone swears you have 2 12's. That, and being able to beat their arse in SQ is always a plus. :lol:

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gellis: Our ear recognizes 'double' the volume with a 10 db jump, and as you said, 3 db is a doubling of power.

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