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UNIT 6639

BM 10's and a Kx 2500.1

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I am wondering if I could power a pair at 4 ohms 1500 watts rms, I know the BM's rms is only 400 watts rms, but I am just wondering if this is at all possible if I am carefull with the gain and volume?

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BM 10's are currently out of stock. But even if we did have some, a 400 watt driver isn't going to hold 750. However, if you were to turn the gain down and only send the pair of drivers 800-1000 watts or so, they would be just fine.

The new BM's will be coming soon, and their power handling is going up quite a bit. They're also going to be a lot bigger.

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I know a guy that has a pair for sale, thats why I was asking, so basicly, the BM's are not underrated at all? Thanks for your quick response.

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Well, they are underrated thermally... but the BM will reach ~16mm of x-max with 400 watts in darn near any box except @ tuning ported. This isn't a bad thing, it just means they are efficient.

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^ What Jake said. They are not light weights at all, but you were talking about sending 700+ watts to a sub that's rated at 400 watts. You simply don't need all of that power on a BM to get full potential out of it.

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I was not planning to send them that much, its just that, the only amp I have is the Kx 2500.1 . But I m understanding what you guys are saying. In any case, I was not able to make a deal with my buddy so i wont be getting them :(

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its just that, the only amp I have is the Kx 2500.1

Just because your amp can do that power, doesn't mean it has to...that's a misunderstanding I've seen a lot around here and elsewhere...followed by the myth that everybody needs to send a driver its maximum RMS power rating, no questions asked...

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