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Low Wattage System in Maxima

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After too much planning my friend has decided to drop money for the system in his maxima and here is what we came up with...

Headunit: Pioneer Premier 6900

Amp: Kicker 650.4

Speakers: Pioneer Premier TS-C720PRS

Subwoofers: 2x 12" SD-1

Miscellanous: Knu 4 Gauge Amp Kit KOL-AK44

Deadning: 1 Roll Raamat BXT and 5 yards of ensolite

Mostly I will be stuffing the deading and ensolite into the doors and trunk to help the midbass and trunk rattle as much as possible.

The 2 12's will be in a ported box tuned nice and low (sub 30's). I'm thinking a foward fire with ports running up into the cab through the existing 6x9 holes, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Anyways just wanted to see what you guys thought of the setup. I would say the overall goal is a clear system with some bass at your back. Now I just need to keep the eyes open and possibly find some of this used for a good price.

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Seems like a great set up for the money. As for the SD-1's ported, that you would have to talk to Jacob, the 10's seems to spec more towards ported, and the 12s seem to be more sealed, but I have not tested them, so I can only guess.

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