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Is this a good Choice?

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Hey Guys, so I have a Power Acoustik A3000DB Amplifier that should push anywere from 1500 - 1900 Watts RMS @ 1 Ohm, Anyway im looking to Purchase a Single 15" Fi BL to run @ 1 ohm on that amp, this ones going to be fully loaded for Daily ( Cooling, Flatwind ) And im just wondering if this box sounds like a good plan? I want to do 4 Cubes Net with 64 SqInch of Port Area, and tune to 34 or 35 Hz, this sound like a good plan?

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If you listen to rap, you should be happy.

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Yeap, mostly rap, young jeezy etc

i just want something along the lines of S Q L with it being more oriented towards SPL, as in, sounds decent but will blow your socks off if you want it too, and still run strong with under 2000 watts rms

Edited by Astyl

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Hopefully, because my old single 15 setup hit a 146 on the meter and it blew which is why im looking for a new sub and something new, i want something that will get just as loud, if not louder then my old sub, and still sound good, so hopefully the BL is the one

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Should make for a solid setup. If I remember correctly the 3000 can get a little nasty when pushed hard, so make sure to keep it clean and setup correct. Youll have a loud daily setup.

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