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Ported box for fi bl 15

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So im about to build my first ported box and i need a little help. My 15" bl will be getting 2000 watts and has cooling and flatwind options. This will be going into a 96 infiniti i30 (same as maxima) My goal is to have the best LSQ setup as possible leaning more towards spl. I think i want to tune ~35.

If the box is 4 cubes with the tuning at 35, is a port size of 4W x 13h x 21.8L correct? Is that enough port area? And is that a good tuning for my goal?

Also if i use 2 circular ports that are 4" in diameter and 10.5 inches long would that be enough port area and the right tuning?

Thanks a lot -Rick

Edited by ricksi30

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yep im having the same problem i need a dual sub box, i bought a bl15 too great sub by the way ull love it.

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yep im having the same problem i need a dual sub box, i bought a bl15 too great sub by the way ull love it.

Yea i do love it. I had it in a prefab for a few months and decided its time to build a real box and see what this thing can really sound like.

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Good to see you over here from the .org Rick. Looks like Gordon helped you out before i could get there:)

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Good to see you over here from the .org Rick. Looks like Gordon helped you out before i could get there:)

Yea most definitely my box will be around 4 cubes net tuned to 32. Ill make sure to get some pics up on the .org soon.

Edited by ricksi30

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Hi, u used winisd and after puting all ur demenssions if you want 4 cu tf for ur sub the port needs to be 22.5 inches length.

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At what port area??? Winisd sucks, and especially sucks in the hands of the inexperienced.

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If using 2 - 4" aeroports, the port area will be 25.133in^2, and the port length will need to be ~10.675" long.

If using that port size you listed, the port area will be 52in^2, and the length will need to be ~22.675" long.

What kind of max dimensions for the enclosure are you looking at here?

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See I thought about getting 2 of these 15" bl's, but would it be better to use just one 18" BTL and put about 4000 watts into that? I have about 9 cubic feet of room for box, that is about right for 2 15"s or 1 18". What would be louder? logically you would think that the 15"s would be louder because you are moving more air but if I am putting the same amount of wattage into a single sub will it be as loud?

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I'd rather have more cone area...unless you're trying to fit into a specific SPL pressure class.

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No actually this is my first system and I just want to get the best I can for the money I think if I spend a little extra and just get 2 15's I will be louder and it will probably be better for SQ also, I am kind of and LSQ person that leans toward SPL. I love deep bass so how would those 2 15's sound in a box tuned to 30 hz? Also i'm pretty sure they could handle 2000 apiece if they are loaded. The thing is I have been driving now for about 4 months and I have been researching for over a year so I know allot, but I have absolutely no personal experience with systems.

Edited by Wall_Breaker

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A single BL18 with 4000W wont touch a pair of 15s with 2000 each. The 15s have more cone area and the single 18 will be pushed beyond its limits in a daily application (compression, thermal, and mechanical). Theyll work well tuned that low too.

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