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DIYMA Recone

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To Whom It May Concern (probably Scott),

My name is Brad and I currently run a DIYMA 12" subwoofer in a .5ft^3 box. The DIYMA is an amazingly solid sub with HUGE stacked magnets, but its weak point is definitely its cone. Unfortunately, my cone cracked with less than 150 watts and gain set properly. So I am requesting a custom recone kit for my DIYMA. It has a 3" x 2" 4 layer voice coil. This sub is pretty beefy (37lbs) so shipping it would be a last resort. Can you create a new recone kit for this sub? All information on the sub can be found at www.diymobileaudio.com and I can personally talk to the designer of the sub if you need more information. Thank you.


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If that's the cluster mag sub we can't do it...i've got one laying in the floor that's pretty much useless...

Has a really odd diameter coil...nothing we have even the smallest coil will work...

Sorry man

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If by cluster mag you mean several stacks of magnets then yes.

I am sorry to hear you can't do anything. I can talk with the designer to get the exact coil diameter in case we are talking about two seperate subs here. It is advertised as a 3" coil but I could be wrong.

Do you happen to know if RE could recone something like this or is the coil just so odd that no one would have the right size?

Thanks for the help though!


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Actually, what is the possibility of getting just a cone? I discussed this with the designer and it may actually be easier to use a new cone and reattach all the old parts to it. The coil/motor/surround/spider are not the problem... just the stupid flimsy cone!

Let me know. You can email me too if that is easy to respond to (and faster).


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lol sorry man. wow that was quick. also for the price of the diyma i'm not sure if it would be very cost effective.

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Lol well it was quick because I posted this before you even told me too in that PM.

But thanks for the video Jeremy. In no way did I push my DIYMA that hard but it was nice to see what could happen to it.

And yes I could buy another DIYMA for around $130 shipped but the point is that I want THIS DIYMA to have a stronger cone. Nguyen and I may work together to come out with a new cone so that these things could go through hell. Who knows, DIYMA v2 may be out soon.

As far as a recone kit, is it still impossible to do, or is it possible since it has a 3" coil?

Also, NDMstang, you said you had a useless DIYMA next to you... I may buy it off you if you want.


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