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Ryan A

d2 in truck...

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First off i would like to announce that im an idiot, and i posted in the wrong section earlier this evening... now to my question.... I got a 92 toyota pickup, and i refuse to cut the bed, so i want to build a box behind my seat... I can get the box at about 1cf i think and still be able to fit the amp in the back... so i was interested in getting a d2 '12 so since i cant physically see the woofer, i would see what you guys think... can it be done.. you guys ever seen your sub in a wedge application and is 1cf enough for the sub... i have a rockford punch 800rms @4ohms.. is that gonna be enough to push it in a smaller box like that?? ive heard nothing but great things about your subs, and really hope i can get it to work out... oh yeah on last thing that may be helpful, i got about 10 inches of space from the bottom back of my seats to the back of the cab... if thats any help.

Edited by Ryan A

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Would it be optimal? NO. Would it perform well? I would say Yes. You will be lacking lowend, but hey, it's a tiny enclosure.

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I know for a fact that you can get MUCH more than 1 cube in a Toyota single cab truck.

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thanks for the input guys... i think that i could do more than 1cf i was just being safe, because my rockford amp is really large... i might just have to put the amp under my seat... it's not preferable, but i've done it before. Just curious, i know your page says closed, .5 to 1.5 is recomended... would 2 be better if i can do it.. im about the sq anyhow. low end is nice but not necessarry.. i was more concerned with the mounting depth than anything else.. anyhow, thanks guys

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Besides the obvious (mounting depth of 6.75"), the more you angle the sub the more room you're going to need. And it's always a good idea to leave at least 2" behind the woofer so the pole vent can breathe.

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i dunno if this is an option for you but i have a reg cab s-dime and i have plenty of room, im doing a custom center console for one ported 12" d2

i have to take out the 60/40 seats and put in some cheap seats i got from a junk yard but i dont care, its all abt THE bass

its not gonna look too good at first but itll wang

just my 2 cents, maybe u can get some ideas


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What measurements do you get with the seat in your normal position? There should be plenty of room to do a 1 12 install with the amp on one side and the sub on the other. I bet there is plenty of room to do a 2 10 install with the amp in the middle and the 10's on each side. A buddy of mine had a Sound Stream SPL 15 behind the seat of a regular cab toy with plenty of leg room and plenty of box. I think he had 3 cubes total. It wanged hard with just 200w!

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