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so i want to use it for daily and some contest and either a kicker kx or zx 2500.1 goin to be put into a 2dr sebring so what options should i get and how much will it cost to ship to

Wasilla Alaska 99654

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Pricing can be found on the site with only differences in shipping between the 2 and 3 magnet versions.

2 magnet shipping: $58.70 via USPS priority

3 magnet shipping: $44.60 via USPS priority

Since this is for a daily driver that with see some contests, I would definitely get the "daily" version and NOT the SPL.



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Pricing can be found on the site with only differences in shipping between the 2 and 3 magnet versions.

2 magnet shipping: $58.70 via USPS priority

3 magnet shipping: $44.60 via USPS priority

Since this is for a daily driver that with see some contests, I would definitely get the "daily" version and NOT the SPL.



You sure that's not backwards?

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