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RL-i 8...Magnet? VC?

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Okay..i've read alot of the posts concerning the SS RL-i8's...i love them...i want 8 of them in my 07 ranger....questions are What material is the Magnet Made of...What is the Voice Coil made of...What is the best sealed size for max SPL output, and can they handle the power from two RF T15001 amps at one ohm......also when/where can i buy them...the site says there out of stock....

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only testing will tell

i'd bet so

we don't know when they'll be back

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HA HA LOL....their going to be out of stock until the end of Sept. I highly doubt ceramic magnet.. and the "metal" is prob aluminum and the mag shouldn't be cobalt..if it is i may consider a dif sub for my set up. I'm going to wait til they get some in until i do my set up so i can test 2 of them prior to the install of all 8.

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curious as to why you'd be against a cobalt magnet and why you are so sure it's not ceramic...

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it's ceramic and alum Voice Coil....well i was hopeing it was something more powerful...lots of times the mag is a cheap material that needs to be as big as the cutout just to make up for the strength diff...ceramic is okay though i can live with that if it holds up over time. I'm in contact with this dued mike from their comp and he's keeping me in the loop...very good customer service...that makes me feel good about such a large purchase from this company.... still though anybody got any recomendations on air vol for a sealed box for max spl...i think i'll just build and see what happens then polyfil if ness.

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it's ceramic and alum Voice Coil....well i was hopeing it was something more powerful...lots of times the mag is a cheap material that needs to be as big as the cutout just to make up for the strength diff...ceramic is okay though i can live with that if it holds up over time. I'm in contact with this dued mike from their comp and he's keeping me in the loop...very good customer service...that makes me feel good about such a large purchase from this company.... still though anybody got any recomendations on air vol for a sealed box for max spl...i think i'll just build and see what happens then polyfil if ness.

Mike is the owner of SS and is absolutely top-notch when it comes to customer service.

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i'm ready to start building the box even though i don't have the subs yet......

Should i do 4ported with a T10001 per pair

or should i do 8 sealed with a T15001 per 4

If i go ported i'd do one box behind each seat that would be wedged 12Hx 22wx 7tdx 10bd ported forward toward the seats

or sealed big 21Hx 50Wx 7D with the bottom middle cut out 15x10x7 for the amps to be stacked and mounte directly on back wall....

i really don't mind going ported if i have to i just wanted the increased SQ with more linear and responsive snap bass.

also how do you port a .3 cube box with a sub that massive in it? could i get a design pic or somthing from someone... I saw the TL vid but i don't have enough room for even one of those which would be nice for both SPL and SQ.

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Just a fair warning. The RL-i 8's will be out of stock for a little while. I would say you reduce the total number of sub a little and run the RL-i 10's. Same sub, just larger cone.

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NO...it's either 4 SS 8's Ported or 8 sealed. Which i know their out til Oct. I'm on the list.

or....it's 4 rf shallow 10's or 12's depending on whether or not i can get the low end out of such a shallow sub.

I just need to know personal opinions on the subs so i can make a final desicion b/c i have the h/u and mids and highs done and i need to figure out what the box is going to look like so i can mount the amp in the right location on the back wall.....

so 4 ported at less than optimum air space tuned rather high. with 500 watts per sub

or 8 sealed at .2-.23 cubes per sub with 400 watts per sub

or 4 RF P3 shallow 12's at less than their rec air space 400rms each sealed...or their 10's at Rec airspace

<<<<this is suposed to be strictly SQ but i want lots of output as well>>> and must be shallow b/c box max is 7deep

and which ever way i go i still want a design for a .3 cft box for the 8 tuned to 35hz...i just don't see how you could run that port in the box. and if you ran it out side wouldn't that increase box vol.???

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All RL-i 8 owners have had rave reviews. The SQ and the performance of the sub has never been in question. Great driver.

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something tells me SQ is not what he is looking for...

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I have a .6 tuned to 30hz, if you think 35hz is long trying lowering it to range where it sounds great. Super long.

Sounds to me like you are a bit short on space for your plans.

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Each 8 needs roughly 7-8 sq inches of port, anything less and it will chuff and whistle.

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...I want to be able to listen to every thing and get it to sound good. So,[ :P ] on ported, ive decided to go 4 full 10's sealed with two wedges 22l x 12h x 9td x 11bd seperated by the arm rest but i can add a 6dx6w12h section to keep it common air and add that little bit of air space back w/o having to worry about cupping and dead air..plus i can add a notch to the bottom as well down to the floor and get alittle back that way as well so hpefully i end up with .55-.6 per sub which is right at perfect for them. I like the added output of ported but not when i'm in the mood to rock out b/c the response just aint there.

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