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t215 rockford vs fi bl15

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Hi i was wondering if anybody out there know what would be a better subwoofer, i own a t215d2 rockford fosgate paid 450 for it sound really good , i was tinking of getting another sub but i wasnt sure if to get another t215d2 since ive been told that they are overpriced this guy sugested me a fi bl 15 fully loaded price is 344 shipped, but im now sure do u guys think that the fi bl15 can keep up with my t2 if not please list some brand and models aout ther that could thanks :domoslay:

:Touched by NDMstang65:

Sorry if this looks choppy guys, but i merged all of his threads into this one. Moral of the story, don't mix subs.

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yeah i know, but after watching some fibl videos on youtube they got me thinking, they looked like they can outperform my t2 thats why i was thinking of getting one, if its really betten than my t2 i can sell the t2 to one of my friends and get another fibl15 what do u guys think.

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ive just ordered a fi bl15 fully loaded 344$ i was wondering how many watts rms can this sub take without burning it up and what would the ideal box volume for it??

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Speaking out of experience here. I have two friends with T2's. One has 12 T2 12's, the other has 4 T2 15's, hear them almost daily. I have seen the BL 15 and 18 in action and in my opinion as well as theirs, the 15 BL outperformed them in every possible aspect. I love RF, dont get me wrong, but when it comes to subs themselves, they do seem a little overpriced. I think you pay for the big flashy design that they have.

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I would beleive about 1500 watts rms is fully loaded. as to box volume size, i am pretty sure it says on their page with sub specs as well as in a pinned up post.

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thats what im looking for opinions, thanks man so should i ger rid of my t2 and get another fi bl15 would i get louder thanks.

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hi I AM A be running a little over 2500 watt rms on my cadillac deville, my questions is where can i get a high amp alternator on the web cheap, and how big do i need the alternator to be, thanks for all ur help everyone

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Yeah, I would have to say get rid of it and get 2 BL's, you will get louder. Esp. if you get fully loaded ones and put about 1.5k watts on each.

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I like excessive amperage's alternators. They are based out of southern alabama. www.excessiveamperage.com

I have seen people run that with around 200 to 250 amp alt. I am the type I will throw a little more money in and go with a 300 amp alt myself cause I always say better to be safe than sorry. Plus I want the option to upgrade later if I want.

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Powermaster...if they make one for your car


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I've been throwing 1500+ at my 12" dailys for the past few weeks and they are taking it just fine. Make sure you have a good electrical system though.

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Yeah I AM A try to upgrade my alt to a bigger one how manay amps should i need for 2500 watt rms I AM A be running thanks

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Hi, im going to build a box for my bl15 and rokford fosgate t2 15 subs, whats is the good or bad of making a one chamber box for two subwoofers, is it better to put a divider in the center of the box and make two different vents, can i use two different subwoofers in a single chamber box, experts please help.

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as he said, dont mix and match. a lot of bad things could arise from doing this. each sub operates differently, so puttin them in an enclosure together could, in the end, mess them up. FI does not really warranty the subs. RF does, but if you mess it up by doing that and something does go wrong, they will not honor the warranty.

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Fi offers a warranty for everything except the BTL line, but it only covers manufacturing defects, not user error. IIRC, I could be wrong about that.

Mixing subs is just a terrible idea, it's a recipe for a screwed-up frequency response and probably a decrease on a sensor.

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im not gonna do it I AM A put a divider between both subs my t2 and the fi fl15, i knew i would not make sence. but hows fi know if the sub messed up becuase i had two different subs running in a single chamber box???

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Trust me when you send it in for warranty Scott has been doing this long enough to know when something is a manufactures error or a user error.. Not to mention this existing thread...

Jimj is one of the most knowledgeable people on this forums when it comes to "sound" as well as a handful of others will say... Mixing subs PERIOD is a disaster.... Whether it be divided or not...

Each brand sub has it's own unique T/S parameter and therefor act differently in a given enclosure...

where brand A in a 2.0 cu^ft box will sound LOW and deep.. Brand "B" in the exact same enclosure may sound punchy and stiff. One may be louder the other softer...

Edited by theabunai

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good point, but hey I AM A give my rockford fosgate side of the box 3.25 cu ft what rockford wants and the fi bl15 side about the same, im gonna have two amps one for each sub what u think, i mean ive seen people having different subs and they sound good one might be louder than the other one but when the bass adds up its all one boom. thanks for ur toughts.

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It may "want" to see that airspace but what freq response will you get ? what is the projected rolloff ?

Each brand of sub has it's own Freq. Response and rolloff (FS and f3).. this will lead to different sounds.... different wave forms, may even lead to cancellation which will make them sound very very soft....

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