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Tired of reading, do you know comp info for me

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So i have been reading on and on about different organizations and competitions and am tired, so I thought I would just ask and see if someone knows. Is there a category that I will be competing in with the following setup.

This is in a cut through of a truck with a camper shell.

4 18" BTLs in a wall

2 amps, 1 for each set of BTLs

other amps for mids and highs

As I said, I am tired of reading. The few times I thought i figured out that i could compete in a certain event there was a little note saying a truck with a cuthrough was not allowed. are there any where a truck cut through is allowed??


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You can compete in USACI super modified class depending on how many watts your running at a 4 OHM rating, there is a 0 to 1000 watt, 1001 to 2000 watt, 2001 to 4000 watt, and a 4000 and up watt class. just go to soundoff.org to find out more about the classes. Also it would be a good idea to be able to hit at least 170 Db plus since this year everyone in the top five is already there and some above 180 Db's

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