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Help with an amp rack for my 2 1000D's, lots of ?s

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Ok guys, well im doing an install update on wends in which im adding a kinetik 2400, 1800, replacing some crappy rcas with nice knu krystals, adding a 1/0 negative run between kinetiks, adding more power wire etc, adding 880 prs to replace my crappy alpine, and last adding the second sae-1000D proto for substage.

anyways. i want to create an amp rack that provide the proper airflow that the amps need to allow them to cool and breathe. and im tossing around how i will design it. but it will house my 2 sub amps, the 1000's.

I want to put the amp rack on the back of my box, that is 40" long, but i want to keep the amp rack to around 32 - 33" so it fits between my trunk bracing right in the slot behind the rear seats so i can fold them down to expose the rack. im not sure how i should mount the amps inside, but i am not fiberglassing the rack, using leftover 3/4 mdf might buy some 1/4 and 1/2. i plan to carpet it black, but put 2 plexi windows on it to show off the amps.

I havn't decided a few things. if i going to mount amps inverted to show the internals, sense the rack will be sealed, or show the top with logo and model.

also i don't know what way of mounting fans is best on a rack that will be like 32.5" L x 13.5" H x 2.5" D, should i make it one common chamber? divider? how much space should i leave on sides of amps to allow wiring and rcas? how do u feed wiring through the rack without affecting the airflow of the fans and where should i let the wires in from. should i have 4 or so fans on one side pushing air in across both amps and leave one side off acting as a exhaust? should i use 2 or so fans as pulling fans to pull air out?

i have a few designs up on sketchup that im going to upload and put here in a few


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