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make sure it doesn't flex.

usually just a quick look at a panel will let you know whether or not it'll need bracing. when in doubt, bracing can't hurt

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For a daily, I'd always brace.

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he likes using threaded rod for bracing

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it's just threaded rod you can get from places like lowe's.

I'm personally not a big fan of it, causes more problems with sealing the box.

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Unless it is a really long panel, I just glue and screw some 1x2's to the inside.

This is something I was wondering about. I saw a box somebody built that just had misc. pieces of wood glued to all sides of the box. Is this considered adequate bracing? I was planning on gluing wooden dowels from side to side and top to bottom.

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i have NEVER had trouble with allthread bracing and sealing the enclosure off. i personally think it is one of the best methods of bracing beyond double,triple, quad. etc. baffling. all thread, nuts, washers, lock washers on each side of the wood and a lil lock tite (not all ways needed if done correctly) will make for a pretty stout and sealed enclosure!

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If I have a panel longer than 16", I'll use a full sized 3/4" thick brace with the center cut out. Otherwise, I just cheat and use regular 1"x2" pine studs along the center.

Basically, you drill a hole in the opposite panels. Make sure the holes are lined up. Run the rod through with a washer against both sides of the panel and a nut. I did this once, I used a large washer and put some caulk around the edges of the washer and nut. I didn't have any issues with air leaks.

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ill get some pics in here soon pretty loaded with stuff while moving into new house! but its very very simple. just make them super tight and you'll never have any problems!

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