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question about bass remote knob

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alright, say i have the gains set at 1/2 on the amp.

now, i plug in the knob, and turn the knob to MIN (amp gains still at 1/2) theres almost no bass. when i turn it to MAX, is it the same as my amp playing at full tilt with the gains at 1/2 if i didnt have the knob in?

did i make sense? its kinda hard to explain what im trying to say...

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Yes that makes perfect sense.

The knob adjusts the gain, but it is designed to prevent damage to your amp.

You set the gains on your amp to the maximum level where you can safely have them, then the knob will allow you to adjust it anywhere below that point and up to it. This way if there is too much bass or you just want to tone it down for a while you can do so, and crank it right back up to the level you set originally without having to reset your gains and worry about clipping.

Not all bass knobs work that way, but most do.

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