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Lord Baccus

SoundStream wont Sponsor Local Competition.

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Black00 brought me up to the SB4 state record in less than a week! Gained over 4 dB with the same equipment in the same vehicle.

Long live Black00!!!!

Edited by BKOLFO4

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One of the things I've learned from competitive shooting, is if you want to be sponsored you have to bust your ass, travel A LOT, and just get lucky occasionally. You can be the best there is in a local area, but they don't care if you aren't willing to make the sacrifices and travel and jump in with the big dogs and until your ready to do that, they don't care. A sponsor doesn't want someone who will make excuses about why they can't go to a competition, they want someone who doesn't look at things as obstacles, but as opportunities.

My .02$


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We've been through this time and time again on another forum. Ntrain knows what I'm talking about.

Simply put, they don't give two chits about a guy doing one show a month in one city.

If you talk to any SERIOUS competitor, they don't do one or two shows a month in one city. They do probably 4 shows anywhere they can make it to. If they have 16 hours to get somewhere, they will. They'll sleep in the car if they have to. They spend WAY more money than they make.

You're not going to get any sponshorship. Not with your system. Not with your truck. Not staying IN Dallas, bitching about driving to Ft. Worth.

Sorry if anyone thinks this is out of line, but I've been listening to it for a few years now, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it.

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We've been through this time and time again on another forum. Ntrain knows what I'm talking about.

Simply put, they don't give two chits about a guy doing one show a month in one city.

If you talk to any SERIOUS competitor, they don't do one or two shows a month in one city. They do probably 4 shows anywhere they can make it to. If they have 16 hours to get somewhere, they will. They'll sleep in the car if they have to. They spend WAY more money than they make.

You're not going to get any sponshorship. Not with your system. Not with your truck. Not staying IN Dallas, bitching about driving to Ft. Worth.

Sorry if anyone thinks this is out of line, but I've been listening to it for a few years now, and quite frankly, I'm tired of it.

once agine i think weve missed the bigg picture here :)

1. they approched me, asked me to rep for them @ the LOCAL competition's, they knew i had an OLD TRUCK

2. offered a Partial sponsorship, means i get a break on the price "NOT FREE"

3. i make a list of equipment i need.

4. i get a t-shirt & ball cap.

5. i wait till hell froze over and kept getting "were working on it"

6. 7 months later i get the crappy letter, after asking when there going to come through ??!!??

so this thread is just me letting people know im done waiting for them to keep a Promiss they had no intention of keeping...


Pierce Audio asked me what i needed and 2 weeks later i had it :)

Edited by Lord Baccus

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I really hate to come off like this, but did you run spell check when you wrote to them?

Image/perception is everything.

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I really hate to come off like this, but did you run spell check when you wrote to them?

Image/perception is everything.

Literacy is so 2006.

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I really hate to come off like this, but did you run spell check when you wrote to them?

Image/perception is everything.


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once agine i think weve missed the bigg picture here :)

1. they approched me, asked me to rep for them @ the LOCAL competition's, they knew i had an OLD TRUCK

2. offered a Partial sponsorship, means i get a break on the price "NOT FREE"

3. i make a list of equipment i need.

4. i get a t-shirt & ball cap.

5. i wait till hell froze over and kept getting "were working on it"

6. 7 months later i get the crappy letter, after asking when there going to come through ??!!??

so this thread is just me letting people know im done waiting for them to keep a Promiss they had no intention of keeping...


Pierce Audio asked me what i needed and 2 weeks later i had it :)

Pierce Audio should have sent you a ball cap and a shirt too.

You are not really ready for core competition and this story just doesn't make sense.

No manuf would be ready to sponsor someone to "REP" (omg i hate it when noobs say that) in one friggin town.

Think about this..........from a MAN-STANDPOINT.......

There are 50 states.........100 towns in each one (ballpark)...you think they would consider doing this to one person in each town?

Or would they sponsor about 5 and have them blanket the USA as much as possible?

Which one makes more sense?

Edited by black00

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In case you havent noticed PAP is garbage, the owner and his associates blatantly lie. They ban anyone on their forum who doesnt kiss there ass. Your probably got the same pricing as anyone else who buys direct.

Also you can sell cheap when quality isnt an issue :)

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Damn man , should have been around back when spl comps first started popping up . sponshorship my fat arse , we were happy just to get a sticker from a manufacturer , much less any kind of discounts or freebies . Hell I owned the freaking shop , and still paid for everything out of my own pocket. My idea of local comps were within a 12 hour drive :D I bought my s-10 for comp purposes only , had 21k miles on it when I bought it . Had 63k on it when it was wrecked two years later . All from driving to "local" shows . What ever happened to car audio being a hobby ? :)

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once agine i think weve missed the bigg picture here :)

1. they approched me, asked me to rep for them @ the LOCAL competition's, they knew i had an OLD TRUCK

2. offered a Partial sponsorship, means i get a break on the price "NOT FREE"

3. i make a list of equipment i need.

4. i get a t-shirt & ball cap.

5. i wait till hell froze over and kept getting "were working on it"

6. 7 months later i get the crappy letter, after asking when there going to come through ??!!??

so this thread is just me letting people know im done waiting for them to keep a Promiss they had no intention of keeping...


Pierce Audio asked me what i needed and 2 weeks later i had it :)

Pierce Audio should have sent you a ball cap and a shirt too.

You are not really ready for core competition and this story just doesn't make sense.

No manuf would be ready to sponsor someone to "REP" (omg i hate it when noobs say that) in one friggin town.

Think about this..........from a MAN-STANDPOINT.......

There are 50 states.........100 towns in each one (ballpark)...you think they would consider doing this to one person in each town?

Or would they sponsor about 5 and have them blanket the USA as much as possible?

Which one makes more sense?

what is there to make sence of ?

they made a promise they had no intention of keeping...

they also had noone using Soundstream subs or anything else for that mater, in the DFW area

i was kicking ass on the DFW area ands thats about it...

the differance is when i make someone a promise,

i keep it and respect others for the same...

if you cant/wont come through dont offer to help, it makes you look like a Lier...

and i agree with you, im not the best but im dam hard to beat around here !!!

and if i win or lose im happy to be there. !!!

151db is nothing to fluff off... in an old beat to hell Ford F-150 that leaked air like water through a spagitti stranner...

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You got to look at it from their perspective . They want nation wide marketing . Sponsorships are nothing more than marketing . :)

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You got to look at it from their perspective . They want nation wide marketing . Sponsorships are nothing more than marketing . :)

i know your right,

but try and see it from mine :)

if i make you a promise i keep it.

why string me along then get me with a frying pan too the face ?

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You got to look at it from their perspective . They want nation wide marketing . Sponsorships are nothing more than marketing . :)

i know your right,

but try and see it from mine :)

if i make you a promise i keep it.

why string me along then get me with a frying pan too the face ?

Not to piss on your parade more than others already have , but your numbers aren't really that impressive . My s-10 was doing 149's all day long with a single 12" and 1k watts 10 years ago . I never got a sponsorship ;) A promise in business means nothing unless it is on paper :)

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honestly dude, you're gullible as hell. do you even know for sure he worked for soundstream? Some guy walks up to you and says he works for them and wants to help you get equipment so you go out spend a bunch of $$ and then start to piss and moan about it? Grow up and let it go.

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Whole new group of friends LB?

Ever think it might just be you that has issues?

Didnt think so.

Ill give you dealer on anything you want just to STFU. As long is it isnt any of the brands you choose that obviously dont do well in the lanes i will honor the offer. Call it a "sponsorship" if you will. Wear the Team STFU banner i will send you, ........and we have a deal.

Compete anywhere you want.

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Whole new group of friends LB?

Ever think it might just be you that has issues?

Didnt think so.

Ill give you dealer on anything you want just to STFU. As long is it isnt any of the brands you choose that obviously dont do well in the lanes i will honor the offer. Call it a "sponsorship" if you will. Wear the Team STFU banner i will send you, ........and we have a deal.

Compete anywhere you want.

lol that's funny as hell.

hey can i get a team STFU shirt as well??

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lol that's funny as hell.

hey can i get a team STFU shirt as well??


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well it sounds like you know more than i do :)

would you share ?

how you did it with a single sub ?

boxx size cf?

port freq: ?

sub : Brama

amp ?

# of Batterys ?

sub direction ?

port direction ?

ect ect ect :)

if i knew how to do 150 with a single sub id share :slayer:

I shared....just not on this forum...!!!

150 with a single 15 and 1000w was a huge thing back then...not so much now.

I taught....I still teach...

Hell I even became a judge...

Wrote a car audio segment for a magazine for a couple of years.....

Was sponsored by 5 companies...

Did research and development for one..

Did repairs and warranty work for two..

I took TN state championship 3 times....

I came in 2nd at world finals two times....

I took the World Title one time.....

I broke 7 world records and reset them.....

But das in the past LOL....

I help where I can now....

You have to learn alot more than just jam a bunch of subs in your vehicle and hope for the best.

any addvice you can offer is welcome. :slayer:

i have a newer truck now it is a 1996 Chevy 2500 x-cab

amp is a Massive p3000.1


2 pap WMD-SPL 15" subs 1000rms ea.


1 pap MOAB 15" 2000rms


where should i start ?

Edited by Lord Baccus

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Whole new group of friends LB?

Ever think it might just be you that has issues?

Didnt think so.

Ill give you dealer on anything you want just to STFU. As long is it isnt any of the brands you choose that obviously dont do well in the lanes i will honor the offer. Call it a "sponsorship" if you will. Wear the Team STFU banner i will send you, ........and we have a deal.

Compete anywhere you want.


I almost pissed myself on that one.

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where should i start ?

Get matching subs.................

lol that would be a good place to start :)

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where should i start ?

Get matching subs.................

i have a set that matchs the Pap WMD spl subs i.e.





the Moab is a single 15" in a 5.25cf ported @ 32Hz as a backup when im not competting, just music

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