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Lord Baccus

SoundStream wont Sponsor Local Competition.

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i compete in 2 different Forums




i have








i copied this from e-mail with Team SoundStream:

When you decide to compete in a much broader area maybe we can discuss the possibility of a sponsorship. But as long as you keep your competition to a local area then there isn

Edited by Lord Baccus

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They look at it from a simple cost/benefit standpoint. You have to convince them that you will sell more than you take.

How's "Project Efficiency" coming along?

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Why would they sponser someone that competes in only local events, when that money could go to someone who competes in national events?

Where do you think they are going to get the most exposure?

Makes complete sense to me.

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lord baccus...

from the wording....it looks like you did not request them to sponsor local competitions...but rather sponsor YOU ....

Your build level has to come up a great deal before you will be sponsored by anyone.

Personally I would like to know what mic your competition body uses and where they place the mic...and what kind of scores you produce just out of curiosity....because you can be a big fish in a small pond and thats great......but you have to be a big fish in a big pond in order to have weight with a manuf.

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they dont feel the need to Sponsor LOCAL competition ??? i will get ridd of everything i own with Soundstream on it

Yup, gotta be able to do a broader range of shows, and be able to attend a certain amount of shows during a given time. I've pretty much lost my sponsorship with them since the van has been down more than I anticipated.

I'm with you on getting rid of everything with SoundStream on it. I've got a sub being repaired by them right now, and have 6 or 7 more months before I can sell the equipment (can't sell anything within a year of beginning the sponsorship). Once the year is up, I'm done with soundstream.

My sub setup


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that response they sent looks like you asked them to sponser you, not local events. . . if thats the case i totally agree with them. . .why put down money on a guy that does contests in one state when they can throw money and products to someone who travels to events in a region or nationally. . .that just makes economical sense to me. . .

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I would have done a little more homework before going with PAP, noone has gotten anything considered "good" numbers from their subs at all.

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Honestly, I can't believe you're surprised with that response.

Why would they waste their resources sponsoring some local podunk competition or a competitor who only competes in those local podunk competitions ??

They could have worded it a little more delicately, IMO. But sponsoring you/those events would be a complete waste of their capital.

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judging by their response they have been asked by him a few times. I guess you have to be less gentle with each response

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judging by their response they have been asked by him a few times. I guess you have to be less gentle with each response

We have a WINNAH!!

Edited by Ntrain2k

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I honestly don't understand why you are so surprised.

we use TermLab Mics.

Soundstream approched me, when a represenitave for them was at a LOCAL show here in Dalla$ / Ft Worth and was trippin cuss i pulled off a 149.1db with 3-15" SS T4 subs" and a lil Directed 1100d, in an old beat too Hell Ford F-150, he offered to help me get equipment so i could really waffell out some DB with bigger amps ect ect ect...

so i build up a walls worth of 15" subs and got the Dear john letter. so im a lil Pissed off as they made the offer then jerked the rugg out from under me, Usaci Fu@ks us here in DALLAS TX by

a. never comming here

b. holding and event in south of Ft Worth and its listed on the site as ???

you guessed it DALLAS TX. over 80miles from here 1 way its a 3 day evenr & cose 65.oo to enter

or So. Padre Island a 1000miles 1 way 3 day event blablabla

SoundStream has there head up RR's @ss and USACI can SUCK my EVERLASTING GOBBSTOPPER.

THEY HAVENT BEEN TOO DALLAS TX IN OVER 5YRS...they'll hold an event @ a gasstation/nail salon in nowhere usa, down a dirt road, BUT CANT FIND DALLAS TX on the map...

we have 1 or 2 LOCAL shows a Month sence USACI cant seem to find DALLAS/Ft Worth TX, the other circut is a 1 or 2 shows a month as well,


Edited by Lord Baccus

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I honestly don't understand why you are so surprised.

we use TermLab Mics.

Soundstream approched me, when a represenitave for them was at a LOCAL show here in Dalla$ / Ft Worth and was trippin cuss i pulled off a 149.1db with 3-15" SS T4 subs" and a lil Directed 1100d, in an old beat too Hell Ford F-150, he offered to help me get equipment so i could really waffell out some DB with bigger amps ect ect ect...

so i build up a walls worth of 15" subs and got the Dear john letter. so im a lil Pissed off as they made the offer then jerked the rugg out from under me, Usaci Fu@ks us here in DALLAS TX by

a. never comming here

b. holding and event in south of Ft Worth and its listed on the site as ???

you guessed it DALLAS TX. over 80miles from here 1 way its a 3 day evenr & cose 65.oo to enter

or So. Padre Island a 1000miles 1 way 3 day event blablabla

SoundStream has there head up RR's @ss and USACI can SUCK my EVERLASTING GOBBSTOPPER.

THEY HAVENT BEEN TOO DALLAS TX IN OVER 5YRS...they'll hold an event @ a gasstation/nail salon in nowhere usa, down a dirt road, BUT CANT FIND DALLAS TX on the map...

we have 1 or 2 LOCAL shows a Month sence USACI cant seem to find DALLAS/Ft Worth TX, the other circut is a 1 or 2 shows a month as well,


Tripping off of a 1100d and three 15's should have been the first red flag.

I was doing 150.5db with one 15 (brahma and xxx) and 1000w in 2002 in pro-street.

Now your story has changed to a half assed "he'll help me get equipment" and taken a left turn at ...they do not sponsor shows in your area.

Do you realize it is the dealers that hire USACI and DBD and MECA to do shows right?

Not so much the manuf, they support the larger events for the most part.

Travel....you got a problem with 80miles?

Dude....for years my closest shows were 3hour minimum overnight stays ONE WAY.

If you want to be considered for sponsorship on a real level, you'll have to travel, you'll have to put out some money, you'll have to come up in your build skills, and you'll have to get deep in that 150+ mark.

You could have made it to TX heatwave in Austin on Saturday if you really wanted to mix it up with the big dogs. And guess who was a co-sponsor???????????????????

I'll give you three guesses.

Don't wanna hear how far away Dallas/FortWorth is from Austin...

I've made that trip driving to and from Austin from Memphis too many times to hear that.

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Bro my beef is that they offered then give me a BS excusse for not coming through !

and as for Uasci agine i dont have a problem with 80miles, i have a problem with everttime they even get close to Dallas TX is a freeking 65.oo event...

Why the Hell would i pay them 65.oo when they wont even come to my home town ?

everyone else gets 1 day events and only pay 35.oo

but were off track here ! point is they offered then came through with a t-shirt & a ball cap WooHoooo that ought to get my DB right up there with Alma Gates...

as for your 150db congrats...

my old f-150 had been hit 5 times and i was scared to travle far in it as i thought it was going to break in half as i drove down the road !!!

i have a newer truck now and can go wherever i need to... but you can bet your ass it wont have SoundStream in it !

iv had over 50 prople come to the Local Shows and ask "Wheres all your SS Subs" ???

and i Tell them why i removed it

and Team SS has made it clear that they dont give a damm about us so why should i support them ?

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I was doing 150.5db with one 15 (brahma and xxx) and 1000w in 2002 in pro-street.

type of car/truck ???

a crx would be my guess :slayer:

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Hows those scores with PAP products?

not bad at all did a 147.3db and found that 1 of the ports had fallen into the boxx cuss i did not secure it properly

just did the sweep , not burpped cuss i had no way to fixx the port @ the Show :(

im using 2 6" Presisiotion flared ports...

Edited by Lord Baccus

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I was doing 150.5db with one 15 (brahma and xxx) and 1000w in 2002 in pro-street.

type of car/truck ???

a crx would be my guess :slayer:

S10 ext cab...that was 2001-2002 though...in Pro-Street.

You don't know me....i been around awhile, done a few things.

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well it sounds like you know more than i do :)

would you share ?

how you did it with a single sub ?

boxx size cf?

port freq: ?

sub : Brama

amp ?

# of Batterys ?

sub direction ?

port direction ?

ect ect ect :)

if i knew how to do 150 with a single sub id share :slayer:

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S10 ext cab...that was 2001-2002 though...in Pro-Street.

You don't know me....i been around awhile, done a few things.

Who you is? I aint never heard of you? You aint nevva wangged. So step off!!

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S10 ext cab...that was 2001-2002 though...in Pro-Street.

You don't know me....i been around awhile, done a few things.

Who you is? I aint never heard of you? You aint nevva wangged. So step off!!

lol...shut up jammie

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well it sounds like you know more than i do :)

would you share ?

how you did it with a single sub ?

boxx size cf?

port freq: ?

sub : Brama

amp ?

# of Batterys ?

sub direction ?

port direction ?

ect ect ect :)

if i knew how to do 150 with a single sub id share :slayer:

I shared....just not on this forum...!!!

150 with a single 15 and 1000w was a huge thing back then...not so much now.

I taught....I still teach...

Hell I even became a judge...

Wrote a car audio segment for a magazine for a couple of years.....

Was sponsored by 5 companies...

Did research and development for one..

Did repairs and warranty work for two..

I took TN state championship 3 times....

I came in 2nd at world finals two times....

I took the World Title one time.....

I broke 7 world records and reset them.....

But das in the past LOL....

I help where I can now....

You have to learn alot more than just jam a bunch of subs in your vehicle and hope for the best.

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