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Protecting my investment

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Well I am in love with my audio setup which consists of a 1500, 100.2, fi 18" Q, and CDT special editions up front. I have only burped her a few times around 3/4 volume and have never had any issues. Today I was playing the system about 2/3 and noticed that I started having voltage drop pretty bad but before I never had any electrical issues, my guess here is that the battery is struggling now with the demand (brand new red top). I have all 0 gauge wiring up to a dist. block with 2 foot runs of 4 gauge. I do not have the big 3 done yet and is on my to do list which brings me to my question: What else can I do besides the big three that isnt over the top for this setup?

I ask only because I noticed my 1500 heated up pretty quick (wasnt to hot to touch) but abnormally warm for 12 minutes of play time compared to before without the voltage drop.


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Voltage drop will make them very hot, very fast.

What have you changed since before that now you have a problem?

Is a ground wire loose? How about the set screws on the d-block? Try to tighten them all. A loose connection will drop voltage.

Also... try a larger battery, preferably an AGM type like Kinetik with a large capacity. A single red top isn't very robust, IMHO. This keeps you over the 12.8 mark for longer once you have exceeded the capacity of your alternator.

Looked at an HO alternator? You can get some decent ones that aren't insanely powerful from Alterstart on e-bay with a warranty without spending a fortune.

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Do your big three first and then re-check the issues. This step is very important and will most likely correct the issue. Its cheap and easy to do.

Edited by Smartass.bz

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I am still waiting on the big three, but isn't a problem because I rarely turn it up to the point where voltage drop is an issue.

But a little update on my system, so I'm sitting there and I notice a little blue light is beaming up at me and to my amazement its my bass control knob....

The little bastard just started working out of nowhere? and now it works fine?



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