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??'s about a cracked basket and recones.

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Hey guys, I know you guys are super busy but I got a few ??'s for you. I'm going to be buying either a 15" or 18" BTL in the next 2-3 days, but I came across a used 18" BTL with a cracked basket. The part that is cracked is the part that the surround is glued to. They are very small. It was juts reconed and the tinsels arent even soldered on yet. My question is, if i were to replace the basket, would i have to cut the spider therefore needing another recone, or can I remove the cone without damage? If I cant do it with out damaging it, Can you tell me how much a new 18" basket and recone is? and also how much a 15" basket and recone would be? Thanks for your time and help

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you cant remove the cone, youd need another recone.

for pricing, email Scott over at Fi. i think theyre ballpark around like 100 something + shipping...im not sure though.

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I replied to your email.



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