ok so as some of you know dani picked up a new car, a maxima with the bose system in it , for now i would like to get a LOC unit put it on the output of the bose sub and run an amp off of it of course, i was looking at LOC units, and i have used some high end ones, and i have used some scoshe ones from walmart but , they have alll been adjustable, the stinger one im looking at now does not... im not sure that it will matter, the boes sub is very low power.. i guess its only getting 10 watts or so... its very low power.. has any one used this LOC before? http://www.walmart.com/ip/Stinger-SGN11-12W-Fixed-Line-Output-Converter/21647873?findingMethod=rr and also if anyone has any experience adding onto a bose system it would be helpful thanks