Im looking to upgrade my current set up. Ive narrowed down my choices to ether a DC level 3 15, FI SSD 15 with cooling and flatwind coil (which ive heard are comparable to a level 4), and an Incriminator Audio Lethal Injection 15. Ive seen a lot of bs saying that the DC subs dont have good quality soft parts and am looking for some people that have ran these subs before that might be able to give me some insight to help my decision. Basically im looking for the best sub on the lows that can take a daily beating. I have a 3.3 cubic ft box tuned to 34hz in my BMW 330ci and will be pushing around 1100rms daily from my audiopipe 1500d but will be upgrading the amp in the future. I mostly listen to rap music and occationly house.