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  1. Alright. I've got to get this perfect. I'm LOVING the Bravox CS60K's. The output, mid-bass authority, and overall quality of sound is fantastic. They're truly a great set for the price I paid. The problem I'm running into with them is very common with speakers/components in their price range however and that is either beaming or break-up. Not sure exactly what the difference is just yet, though I do have a pretty good idea, but somewhere in the 4k area it's almost ear piercing on CERTAIN songs. It seems some of the songs have a lot of material in that range 2-5k that just causes them to nearly make your ears bleed, or so it feels. Then other songs couldn't be smoother or better balanced on the set. That's leaving me really wanting to see if I can tame them down a little. I'm trying to figure out the best way to go about doing so without replacing the set (just yet) and I have figured a few ideas, but thought I would ask here to see what the best option is. ///M5, I know you'll have input here and I'm really looking forward to seeing what you have to say on the subject. Would it be easier to build a passive filter to flatten the response, or could I use a processor like the Alpine PXE-H650 (found a used one in perfect condition for half of new price), or would the miniDSP work to achieve what I'm looking for? I'm planning on taking the signal generator we have at work to pinpoint the exact frequency(s) that's being so brutal, but once I have it I need to UNDERSTAND what to do with it and what that best course of action would be. Obviously correct placement, orientation and installation is the best first step but lets be honest here. I'm still learning, still gaining experience and considering the amount of time it's taken to get this much done in my Jimmy so far, starting over from scratch for the best possible installation is really just not the best option for me. At least not yet, so I'm looking at spending a little time and extra money to do the job from this point. While the most important thing in this little topic is to tame that middle range response, an option with time alignment to help center up and lift the stage wouldn't be bad either. Another reason I'm looking at that Alpine. Like I said, they do pretty good in their current placement and installation, but I KNOW they could be just a bit better. I'm trying to stay under $200 which I know will make it super difficult to find a great solution, but buying used is a fine option as well. Beaming or break-up? Caused by a dip/peak in impedance at that frequency no? I know it's a problem and why different size and configured drivers can only be crossed so high before it becomes an issue. I'm just trying to figure out a solution that doesn't include brand new drivers in a new installation, a $600 processor, or both.