I haven't been back to the forum in a long while as I have been quite busy with life, so in the last couple weeks i have gotten rid of my Prizm and picked up an A6 Avant (wagon) today. It has the factory Bose radio system already, so for now I will be using my factory radio. I just ordered the "keys" to remove the radio and later in this coming week I will order a hi/low converter. I found a Boss one online for 10 bucks (good idea?). I also picked up a Memphis Audio 16M1000d. Speaker is a Soundqubed HDC3.0 12" And for right now it's in a 1.8 cubic foot slot ported box tuned to 29 hz. I have a few pics of the car itself to start off my build log, and will try to update as often as possible. I'm taking this opportunity to do it the right way since I kinda did whatever it took in my geo lol. Let the fun begin!