Ok, I bought a 2k last June-July and started buying the other stuff for my install. So long story short I got everything installed Monday. At first my amp was fine it protected one time the first day I had it, but I thought that was because I hit a big bump on the freeway. Tuesday I was heading back to the shop that did my install for them to finish my big 3 or 5 actually. So as I went to leave my amp protects. I restart the truck and start beating on it again and 30-40 sec later it protects. I call Navid and he says it might be my Bass Knob so I unplug it and beat on it with the car off and it plays fine. I played it for a min or two fine. Then I go for a drive with the bass knob unhooked it protects more than once. I made a vid for Navid to look at. So the day after that I start to think it was the way the amp my be wired. The shop used both of the positives and both of the negative inputs. I rewired it with both negatives in the far left negative and both positives in the far right positive. I ran it like that yesterday and earlier today and it was fine (but both times I remote started my car so the voltage had already went down to 14.9). Then I went to go to the bank. I start the truck voltage at 15.1 I pull out the garage and start beating on it. My voltage slowly rises to 15.3-15.4 as my truck is PCM controlled and when it is cold it starts at 15.1 and goes up to 15.4 and slowly comes down to 14.4 or so. So as I was saying I beat on it for 30 seconds get to the stop sign to turn out my naborhood and no bass my votage is 15.4. I pull into CVS and restart the car and let it ideal for a bit and my votage goes down to 14.7-14.9 ok good. I start beating on it fine all the way to the bank. Leave the bank and I had a thought (" what if the amp cuts off from my votage") So I restart the car and my voltage goes to 15.1 and goes up to 15.3 and I start beating on system not 30 secs later amp cuts off and voltage says 15.4. So idk what the problem is. The shop doesn't know what the problem is and I don't have another amp I could drop in. HELP PLZ